Thursday, July 22, 2004

From Silly to absurd

I have been waiting to post on the Sandy Berger issue until the Repubs started to take it way to far.  Luckily they always do. The Repub majority has opened a full investigation into the removal of COPIES of classified documents and notes.  The is the same congress that has never investigated the outing of a CIA operative, never investigated how Bush's military records got "lost", and refuses to investigate the illegal actions of Tom Delay.  This is an investigation that has been on-going for more than a year and if John Ashcroft hasn't found anything to charge Berger with then where is the fire. This is such a blatant political move that it is really not worth commenting on. Especially when you consider that Dick "go f-yourself" Cheney and Ed "the talking horse's ass" Gillespie (RNC Chairman) had a meeting with the Senate leaders right before they break the story.

I would like to point out on contrast between Repubs and Democrats...Bush constantly talks about personal accountability and yet no one has been fired or held accountable for the massive failures of 9/11, intelligence leading up to the war in Iraq or the torture in Iraqi prisons. In stark contrast to that record when the non-story was leaked about him Sandy Berger stood alone before the press and said that he did it, it was a mistake and that he stepped down from helping the Kerry campaign. That is personal accountability and the Bush admin. should take a cue.


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