Monday, August 23, 2004

What has happened to Bob Dole?

I used to have tons of respect for Bob Dole. Even though I did not support him for the Presidency I always thought that he was a fair politician and one that would work with all for the good of the country. He was a good Senate Leader and one of the funniest politicians out there. Now I think it is time for him to go back to selling Viagra because the Bush Regime is some how getting him to be their attack dog. I never thought I would here Dole attack another veteran for his war wounds but her he is doing just that:

Dole added: "And here's, you know, a good guy, a good friend. I respect his record. But three Purple Hearts and never bled that I know of. I mean, they're all superficial wounds. Three Purple Hearts and you're out."

Never mind that this is all a lie and Kerry carries a piece of an enemy grenade in his leg. It is sad that the Bush Regime is ruining the integrity of another great American. Isn't McCain and Powell enough? Do they have to turn every decent Repub into Sean Hannity?

BTW if you think that Dole was speaking for himself look at the location of the press conference. As far as I know Bob Dole doesn't just hang out in Crawford, TX.


Blogger Tim said...

Josh Marshall calls Dole out hereAnd, since when was Bob Dole relevant to American politics anyway? It's been almost eight years since Clinton bitch slapped him. I'm still not sure what the Cons were thinking with that nomination. Of course, given what we've experienced under W, it couldn't have been so bad.

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob Dole is a war hero. He almost lost his life in WW II. I would appreciate it if this blog doesn't practice the politics of personal destruction.

8:54 AM  

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