Friday, May 06, 2005

I think Kurt Kittner's column is fantastic!

I insist that these columns will eventually be gathered together in a book. Although it just might, kinda, possibly reinforce some stereotypes about football players... Still you've got to love stories like this:

During the week we got to see what my teammate Josh Mallard would do for some money. This time we got 200 Euros (about $258) together to have Josh jump into a canal.

Now this isn't one of those nice canals you see in Venice with boats and everything like that. This is a canal that is directly outside our locker room, about 8 feet wide.

I swear this canal is more of a sewer than anything else. I think it just takes all the water from the toilets and washes it out, so you could imagine the stench.

Josh ended up jumping in and was rudely surprised at its depth and found himself submerged in the crud water.

He popped out with the sickest look on his face, and he was gagging and struggling to get out. There were about twenty guys laughing their butts off as he ran inside to wash off. On the way in, he may have puked a couple of times as well.

Needless to say it was worth the 20 Euros I pledged because I easily got my money's worth in laughs.


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