Friday, June 10, 2005

Bolton stalled till documents turned over

The Mustache Wars have begun again. Minority Leader Reid has told the president that either documents that have been asked for and promised be turned over or Bolton's nomination will be held up. It is time for Bush to come clean on our favorite Mustache. Why does he hate the U.N., Why does he keep firing people who don't give him the intel he wants, Why does he keep changing intel, What is the deal with the creepy mustache...

I was reading an article on the Bolton nomination in the International Herald Tribune on the flight home from Rom and came across the scariest/saddest quote I have ever read. "Criticizing and undermining the president weakens the war on terror" Reverend Russell Johnson, a leader of the Restoration Project which helped the Bush campaign in 2004 in Ohio. Maybe I am crazy but I think the most noble and patriotic thing you can do is speak out when you see your goverment doing something you find wrong. Thoughts?


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