Sunday, September 11, 2005

Is Texas tough on crime?

Well, Texas does put lots of people to death but apparently the Texas state Attorney General has decided to let killers off the hook if they flee to Mexico. Indeed, Texas is the only border state that refuses to follow up on crimes committed by Mexican nationals in the United States after they flee back to Mexico.

If the Texas Democratic party can't seize on this inexcusable lapse, then I can think of no clearer indictment of the failure of that once proud political party. I should note that I bear no ill will towards immigrants to this county and I do not think that this issue should be exploited on the basis of antipathy towards the many immigrants, both legal and illeagal, who reside in the state of Texas. Instead, I think this issues demonstrates, and should be used as proof of the fact, that the Republican government in this state and in this nation is primarily concerned with perpetuating and exploiting its control of government rather than fulfilling the covenant that our government ought to keep with our country.


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