Monday, March 27, 2006

Movie theatre etiquette

Here's a great blog with excellent comments about the problems with watching movies in the theatres these days....

I still remember my first movie date with my wife-to-be, Elizabeth... we went to watch Blackhawk Down... early on in the movie there was a group of wannabe thugs sitting behind us: one of whom persisted in a conversation on his cell-phone wherein his end of the conversation consisted entirely of him repeating the phrase, 'fer real?'

After several requests to end this intrusion upon our movie going experience were met with ridicule, I asked the offender to 'bring it.' This shut him and his friends up...

The lesson? physical threats and intimidation work... and they also can mortify the woman who will eventually marry you nevertheless... allright, maybe that's not such a good lesson, but they did shut up...


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