Since we've already crossed the line of people posting pics of their dog on the site...

Here are my new kitties courtesy of the Houston SPCA. Their brothers, about 8 weeks old, very sweet, and are currently named Ben and Jerry by the shelter. E thinks that's cute but we will probably rename them to someothing of our own choosing. She does not like my suggestion, which is much more realistic, of naming them 'Cat' and 'Hey Cat'.
Oh, and there weren't any 'accidents'. We literally took 'em out of the box we took them home in and they hopped right in the litterbox. No directions needed.
They are very cute kittens, Tim!! The "no accidents" is a pretty great perk. I'm jealous...
Tim - decided to drop in on your blog after looking through the project we did at G'town - was delighted to see your cute kittens. As for naming, i agree with your idea; not only do cats not come when you call them, it looks like even if you name them, you'll have trouble telling them apart!
Congrats Tim. We have two cats also, including an adorable black kitten named Lexington. Have fun!!
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