'Fahrenheit 9/11' Review
Fahrenheit 9/11 as many have said is really two movie and so I am I going to review the first half and then review the second half. If you are a conservative/repub. and don't want to see "Bush Bashing" I recommend you avoid the first hour but you must see the second hour in order to see the Iraq that we don't see on t.v.. Ok to the review

The first half of the movie is a typical Moore film. The movie opens with the thought that maybe the last 4 years were all a dream and Bush had not stolen the election in 2004. Sadly, it was not and Moore goes on to give his point of view why the election was stolen. This is based on the fact that Bush is backed by the elite both in this country and in the middle east, primarily Saudi Arabia. Moore spends too much time trying to get us to understand the link and hammer it home. This I felt was a little heavy handed. I mean, seriously, who did not already know that Bush was in the pocket of the Saudi oil interests. The first half all focuses on Bush missing all the clue leading up to 9/11 and basically being on vacation through most of his presidency. It is very funny to watch Bush try to look Presidential while really having no clue what was going on. If you are a progressive or Democrat you will find this funny and be nodding your head in agreement and shaking your head in disbelief alternatively. It is well worth watching and very funny but it not nearly as effective as the 2nd half.

I would make this 10 Tikis if I could but Molly set up the code and I have no clue how to change it. After about an hour of seeing Bush look like a boob and stealing elections the war in Iraq happens. Moore almost completely disappears from the movie. No more quippy voiceovers or silly music. What appears is frightened kids fighting a war they don't understand, Iraqi and American mothers who lost their children and scenes of abuse of Iraqi prisoners. The most powerful story is that of a mother from Flint, MI who goes from a supporter of the war to losing her son in a blackhawk crash and not understanding why we are there and why her son will never come home. This is very powerful and in my theater it was silent except for muffled crying. I wish I could better explain the power of the second half of this film but it really has to be seen. Go see it!!

The first half of the movie is a typical Moore film. The movie opens with the thought that maybe the last 4 years were all a dream and Bush had not stolen the election in 2004. Sadly, it was not and Moore goes on to give his point of view why the election was stolen. This is based on the fact that Bush is backed by the elite both in this country and in the middle east, primarily Saudi Arabia. Moore spends too much time trying to get us to understand the link and hammer it home. This I felt was a little heavy handed. I mean, seriously, who did not already know that Bush was in the pocket of the Saudi oil interests. The first half all focuses on Bush missing all the clue leading up to 9/11 and basically being on vacation through most of his presidency. It is very funny to watch Bush try to look Presidential while really having no clue what was going on. If you are a progressive or Democrat you will find this funny and be nodding your head in agreement and shaking your head in disbelief alternatively. It is well worth watching and very funny but it not nearly as effective as the 2nd half.

I would make this 10 Tikis if I could but Molly set up the code and I have no clue how to change it. After about an hour of seeing Bush look like a boob and stealing elections the war in Iraq happens. Moore almost completely disappears from the movie. No more quippy voiceovers or silly music. What appears is frightened kids fighting a war they don't understand, Iraqi and American mothers who lost their children and scenes of abuse of Iraqi prisoners. The most powerful story is that of a mother from Flint, MI who goes from a supporter of the war to losing her son in a blackhawk crash and not understanding why we are there and why her son will never come home. This is very powerful and in my theater it was silent except for muffled crying. I wish I could better explain the power of the second half of this film but it really has to be seen. Go see it!!
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