Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Head of Bush Front Group Caught Lying (AGAIN)

Now that the SBVT have been found not only to be a front group for Bush but also discredited on every single charge they have made they have decided to change charges. The charge now is the Kerry was not in Cambodia when he said he was and if he was there he should have been court martialed. Of course, no U.S. soldiers were ever officially in Cambodia and the record on either side would be impossible to prove. The records have shown that Kerry was within 50 miles Cambodia on the date in question and may have in fact been in Cambodia on that date. John O'Neill, the person claiming Kerry should have been court martialed and writer of SBVT book, was in Cambodia and told Pres. Nixon about it. BTW O'Neill has been investigating Kerry since he came back from the war at the behest of Nixon and his right wing machine. Does he think he should have been court martialed?

Just to re-cap the SBVT issue:

None of the SBVT guys were on the boat with Kerry and one was not even serving in at the time. He heard it 3rd hand.

One SBVT has had to renounce the rationale for his Bronze Star, that he was under enemy fire, in order to lie about Kerry

All of the documents support Kerry

So far 3 people who run SBVT have connections to the BC04 campaign including Dan Ginsberg, BC '04 top attorney and attorney on the FL 2000 election stealing.

The ad was produced by the same people that attacked Dukakis in the Tank and Willie Horton ad, and McCain in the SC primary.

All this leads to these questions... Why do the Bushies rely on dirty politics? Why don't they do their own wet work?


Blogger dcyanni said...

Speaking of Lies - Bob Kerrey on John Kerry:

Last night on MSNBC, former Senator Bob Kerrey said that John Kerry should condemen Farrenheit 9/11 because it is filled with "untruths."

I will not question John Kerry's service in our military and the 4 plus months he spent in Vietnam. But, won't any other Democrat join me and Bob Kerrey in condemning Farrenheit 9/11 and/or other organizations like that are spreading lies about President Bush?

Can't we find some bipartisanship here and agree that the politics of lies and distortions used by folks like Michael Moore, or similar republican groups ought to be condemned?

8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Several people in the Kerry camp or the DNC have direct ties to or Media Fund - both fringe groups spreading lies.

Will this condemn these connections as well or do you only condemn republicans?

Please, please please tell me that you won't be a hypocrit.

8:45 AM  

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