Wednesday, November 03, 2004

That being said....

What the FUCK is going on in this country!!!! Good Fucking GOD!!! Bush, Coburn and Vitter. Coburn wants to execute Doctors and Vitter cheats on his wife with whores!! ARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH


Blogger dcyanni said...

Let's try to all come together now. You all fought a hard election, and I commend you on that. But, you lost. Let's not condemn a whole country just because you lost a whole lot of elections on Tuesday. Let's come together under our President's leadership and work together on a better tomorrow - a tomorrow without so much negativity and name calling.

1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Stephanie -

Let me explain to you what is going on. The majority of people in America don't want a LIBERAL to be President. This is precisely the reason that a LIBERAL has not won office in this country since probably before you born. The last won to win was Jimmy Carter. Sure Clinton won, but he ran a moderate campaign and governed fairly moderately. Your party continues to nominate Howard Dean type liberals like Gore and Kerry because your party is held hostage by the far left wing of the democratic party. If you don't start putting forth moderate candidates like Joe Lieberman or Mark Warner from Virginia you all will continue to lose.

Since 1976 the Democrat party has been stuck in the same mold (with the exception of the Clinton years). You didn't listen to Clinton and walk across the bridge to the 21st century with him. Instead, many in your party stay on the wrong side of the bridge and continue to live in the mold of the liberal 60s hippies. This time has passed. Your party must follow Clinton and not the Carter/Johnson/Gore/Kerry/Kennedy types.

On a different note, I know, I know -- many diehard liberals think the rest of the country is stupid for voting for Bush. The northeastern democrats typically think they are smarter than the rest of us and have to protect those they subconsciously deem inferior to them. Hopefully, this resounding defeat can wake your party up and make the northeastern democrats realize that they aren't smarter then everyone else. I am a big supporter of the 2 party system in America and the future of this system depends on your party waking up. Clinton gets it. Carville gets it. Maybe its time this blog does too?

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Stephanie -

Let me explain to you what is going on. The majority of people in America don't want a LIBERAL to be President. This is precisely the reason that a LIBERAL has not won office in this country since probably before you born. The last won to win was Jimmy Carter. Sure Clinton won, but he ran a moderate campaign and governed fairly moderately. Your party continues to nominate Howard Dean type liberals like Gore and Kerry because your party is held hostage by the far left wing of the democratic party. If you don't start putting forth moderate candidates like Joe Lieberman or Mark Warner from Virginia you all will continue to lose.

Since 1976 the Democrat party has been stuck in the same mold (with the exception of the Clinton years). You didn't listen to Clinton and walk across the bridge to the 21st century with him. Instead, many in your party stay on the wrong side of the bridge and continue to live in the mold of the liberal 60s hippies. This time has passed. Your party must follow Clinton and not the Carter/Johnson/Gore/Kerry/Kennedy types.

On a different note, I know, I know -- many diehard liberals think the rest of the country is stupid for voting for Bush. The northeastern democrats typically think they are smarter than the rest of us and have to protect those they subconsciously deem inferior to them. Hopefully, this resounding defeat can wake your party up and make the northeastern democrats realize that they aren't smarter then everyone else. I am a big supporter of the 2 party system in America and the future of this system depends on your party waking up. Clinton gets it. Carville gets it. Maybe its time this blog does too?

2:58 PM  

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