Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Does Bush want to lose...

Or is Karl Rove on vacation? Bush's Social Security and approval ratings are in the tank (see earlier post) and now he is adding Tom Delay to his SS tour. So lets see... Delay's days are numbered as Majority Leader, Bush's approval ratings are the worst of any 2nd term president at this time, and he refuses to speak to anyone that disagrees at the "town meetings". Is anyone awake at the WH.

Did I mention that Harry Reid rocks? He just trapped Frist into a no win situation. Frist appeals to the religious right saying it is a faith issue that he employ the nuclear option. This backs him into a corner where he not only has to go forward with it bu he has to win if he wants to have any chance in 2008. Reid then offers him a deal in which the Dems get basically nothing except the right to fillabuster. Frist has to deny the deal because ending the fillibuster is not about getting judges as much as it is about appealing to the right and the Supreme Court nominee. Therefore, Dems can't be called obstructionist and Frist looks like the cat killing a-hole that he is. WAY TO GO REID!!!!


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