Wednesday, April 20, 2005

We know Delay's a bastard, who would've guessed he was an idiot too?

This is an actual quote from an article in the Houston Chronicle about Delay continuing to go after Tony Kennedy.

"We've got Justice Kennedy writing decisions based upon international law, not the Constitution of the United States? That's just outrageous. And not only that, but he said in session that he does his own research on the Internet? That is just incredibly outrageous,"

Now Delay may have a point about referring to international law as an improper basis for constitutional interpretation. I don't agree with him, but it's a definite controversy in constitutional jurisprudence. The internet 'outrage' on the other hand can only most charitably described as uninformed. However, it is hard for me to believe that Delay really believes that internet research is improper. It baffles me that Delay would use this as another means of demonizing Justice Kennedy when internet databases are the most efficient means by which to conduct legal research.


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