Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Don't Rock the Boat

MTV, a network that is nothing if not about image, has made itself look hypocritical by trying to prevent NIN from performing with a picture of the preznit as a backdrop.

The same folks who have encouraged us to 'Rock the Vote' said it was "uncomfortable with their performance being built around a partisan political statement."

Indeed. It sure would be a shame if someone were to disrupt Rock 'n Roll's longstanding tradition of providing banal, apolitical entertainment in a non-partisan manner.

I know that corporations have to be extra careful about riling the regime these days and that the consequences of any political dissent meted out by the FCC can be severe. However, I am embarassed for our nation when it is necessary to expurgate any trace of political non-conformity. We cannot expect our country's democracy to survive if we insist that political statements be confined to 'free speach' zones. The path that MTV has taken runs directly contrary to the nominal mission of 'Rock the Vote.' I suppose that it would be too much to expect more from a corporation but I am disappointed nevertheless.


Blogger Eric Zodik said...

so MTV is now officially the tool of the government (horrified expression). why cant they be the tool of tool like in '93. I guess cbs and viacom got smaked up too much so with the swift boats so sumner has to get all hard assed. i wonder if dave ghrol of the foo-fighters will wear a shirt that says "cooperate rock still sucks" or maybe more appropriate "still milking kurt's death". maybe to be edgy michael jackson will show off some sunshine pasties while rubbing up against some boy band or something. if there is any justice in this world, a zombie- dimebag darrell will rise from the grave and bite eminnim's face off.

12:15 PM  

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