Thursday, June 16, 2005

SS "reform" Exit Plan

WAPO reports that the Repubs not only can't get the dems on board to destroy SS but the repubs won't stay in line either. The are refusing to even bring their horrible bill to the floor b/c they no it is going to fail so why force people to vote for the end of SS. They can't get the bill out because enough repub won't vote for privitization but if they take privitization out then too many repub. won't vote for it w/o out. I LOVE IT!!! My fav. quote is this from Sen Graham "The idea of not having an alternative to the Bush proposal is politically acceptable, at least for the moment," he said. "So I don't see any momentum for Democrats to come forward with a proposal." Exactly!!! Dems do have a plan.... its called social security.


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