Tuesday, December 13, 2005

As if we didn't know this already

Bush was interviewed on the Today show today and Brian Williams was asking him questions about the bubble that he lives in. In response to a question about whether or not he reads either Time or Newsweek Bush responded:

Williams: "You don't read the newsweeklies at all?"

Bush: "I really don't. I mean, I'm interested in the news, I'm not all that interested in the opinions."

GOOD LORD!!! We have a President who by his own words not interested in the news. How can you be President and not be interested in the news? How did we elect this guy once?


Blogger Ryan V. said...

The actual quote was: "I'm interested in the news, I'm not all that interested in the opinions." So, Bush is apparently interested in the news, just not any opinions.

11:48 AM  
Blogger dcyanni said...

Solution to Budget Problems -

Let's end the double standard right now. How about everyone who WANTS to pay more taxes, actually volunteering to pay more taxes. Mr. Canon Manning - you seem to be opposed to tax cuts. That is a perfectly fine position to take. I can respect that.

But, why don't you put your money where your mouth is? Why don't you and others of your mind-set volunteer to pay a bit more each year in taxes on your own volition? How about you just pay 10% more each year? Nothing in the law prohibits you from doing so.

If you don't like the tax, you don't have to take it on your taxes. Instead, what you and others are doing are bitching about tax cuts and then taking them each year. If you don't like the tax cuts, don't take them.

Now, in regards to Bush's quote - his quote indicates he likes news - he doesn't like the opinions that, unfortunately, have become all too common these days in our news media.

Pick up a Washington Post, or a Washington Times - they are all opinions. There is very little factual "news reporting" these days. It is factual reporting with opinion reporting intertwined.

TV news is no different. For an example, see Dan Rather - the man who tried to bring down a President with his lies on our public airwaves.

1:21 PM  

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