Monday, January 16, 2006

Money Quotes...

I've been personally opposed to Ralph Reed from the moment I first learned of him...

Needless to say, I've enjoyed (without any sense of shame) his recent troubles.

But, what made me laugh, was the following quote:

Reed said he helped close an illegal casino in Texas and prevented casinos from coming to Alabama. "Many marriages and lives were saved" and "many children were spared the consequences of gambling because of the work I did."

But, he added, "if I had known then what I know now, I would not have done that work."

at the end of this story.

Priceless.... So, he did work that saved 'marriages and lives... and many children were spared' but, knowing what he knows now he wouldn't haved done that?

But, But, But... What about the children?


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