Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Garrison Keillor wonders....

why it is that as the federal government keeps growing, the president keeps shrinking...


Blogger dcyanni said...

CANON TOSSES RUNNING SUIT - Women Everywhere Upset -

In news today, Christopher C.S. Manning, aka Canon, announced that his skin tight running suit has been thrown away. The suit had become famous all around the Washington, DC, area, as Manning had worn it to many a softball game and other functions. The skin tight suit was a favorite of many women.

Upon learning of the loss of the suit, here is what a number of women had to say.

- "I can't believe its gone. His tight ass was so hot in that suit."

- "Upon learning the news... I laughed, I cried. Now, all I have are the fun memories."

- "When he wore that suit, I always thought of Paul McCartny and just knew that he was a Manning on the run. A Manning on the run!!!

Fortunately, Manning still does have the full length running mask, which covers every part of his face but his nose and eyes.

1:11 PM  

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