Sunday, July 09, 2006

The career of Frank Sinatra Jr. has always fascinated me.

OK. Saying it has always fascinated me is an overstatement, but whenever I have had occasion to ponder his career, I have been fascinated.

Here you have a guy who is the son of a man who isone of the most iconic figures of the late twentieth century; a man who is reknowned worldwide even after his death for his distinctive voice; a man who personified the cool charisma that all other celebriteis were inevitably affected by and...

Well, you have his son who, with the same name, has been following this luminary, for years, in the same field.

So, is Frank Sinatra Jr. a novelty act? A pretender riding on his father's coattails?

Not at all. He's just a hardworking guy doing the best he can with what he's got, and we should acknowledege that he does have a lot more than the rest of us, who has fashioned his own show, reconciling himself with his profession and his father's legacy.


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