Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Grasping the tenth dimension...

Via Frinktank,

When I was much younger, I studied physics quite a bit because I was interested in its theoretical side. Specifically, I wanted to understand how the universe worked. Of the many theories devised by physicists seeking to explain the observed universe, string theory is the leading candidate. Unfortunately, string theory also requires some math well beyond anything I was ever able to wrap my head around. More specifically, I never had any luck conceiving dimensions beyond the four that we are able to perceive.

Well, if you've ever wondered just what is meant when scientists are talking about the tenth dimension, then you should check out this video that purports to explain it all. It won't clear up the mathematics at all (and you certainly don't need any math skills to watch it) but it will give you a framework to get a handle on the subject.

Warning: I was only able to get the video to play using Internet Explorer.


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