Thursday, November 30, 2006
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This is a very funny youtube video. However, I feel very strongly that Tim, as defacto blog head, has always deleted posts that personally insult other members.
As I am a Greek American, to me, this blog post seems to incline that I must order Gyros b/c I am Greek - it is offensive not just to me, but to the millions of Greek Americans. It plays to the worst type of stereotyping: food profiling.
Not only that, it is bullying and intimidation. I am a Republican participating in a liberal blog. I have olive colored skin and am a Greek American whereas most people reading this blog are white and from the heartland of America. Whoever posted this comment should have learned something about this past year's elections? Is this incident, this blog's "GYRO MOMENT?"
Mr. Tim - tear down this post.
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