Friday, November 03, 2006

Say NO to Negativity

I know that politics, like sports, can be a passionate thing for people. But, unlike sports - politics really does have very real consequences in peoples' lives. Republicans versus Democrats this election isn't the same thing as Texas vs. Oklahoma. A football game's outcome truly matters little in the grand scheme of things - which is hard for me to say because I am a HUGE lover of sports. In politics, though, the outcomes of elections matter. Who wins this election could determine, quite frankly, the stability in the Middle East, and America's ability to combat terrorism, for generations.

The stakes are enormous, and for this reason alone, politics shouldn't be treated as a game. No party, no individual is correct 100% of the time. Yet, regretably, people choose sides and blindly support their party like a sports team - even if another candidate is better for America.

Moreover, politics is more and more becoming a race about negativity. I hardly believe that anyone running for office on a major party ticket wants to take homes away for seniors; wants to increase college tuition for hard working Americans; wants to give "giveaways" to drug companies and big oil and gas; or wants to take more and more money from the American people in the form of significantly higher taxes.

In light of these points, I ask all to please consider the following:

(1) Don't treat politics as a game. Cut through the B.S. and support the best person. Sometimes this will be a Democrat. Other times Republicans. Other times a 3rd party candidate. Even the "liberal" Washington Post has endorsed a few Republicans this time around (Bob Erlich; Tom Davis; Frank Wolf to go along with their Democrat endorsements (Jim Webb; Jim Moran; etc..).

(2) As a blog, let's not stoop to the level of many of the candidates. Let's be for a candidate without having to morally and personally question another candidate.

Thank you for your consideration.


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