Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Death Penalty

Is it just too barbaric - ie. cruel and unusual punishment or is it not harsh enough for those who commit the most heinous crimes? Either side you take, the issue isn't going away soon. Thoughts?

NOTE: This is a legit attempt to bring this blog back to life, in light of the fact that the poetry idea is failing miserably.


Blogger Tim said...

I have no problem with the concept of killing someone for crimes that they have committed. I don't really see the point of keeping someone in jail for the rest of their life.

However, the unfortunate fact of the matter is that the way that the death penalty is administered in this country is so fundamentally flawed that I cannot agree that it should be used now.

I understand that we cannot expect 100% accuracy in our courts of criminal justice, but when it comes to the death penalty the standard really must be one of absolute certainty that the crimes for which someone is to be put to death were committed by that individual.

10:37 AM  

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