Friday, July 30, 2004


And it could not get here fast enough. The convention is over and now comes the real work and the real attacks from the Repubs. Before we leave Boston I will give my assessment of Edwards and Kerry's speeches.

John Edwards: This was a great speech but I don't think he gave his best speech. I don't know if it was the cold he has or what but he did not seem to hit every note. They message was terrific though. HOPE is on the way!! That we can be a united America to take on the problems at home and enemies aboard. Great message and he plays really well on TV.

John Kerry: Was supposed to be flat, boring, and stiff... not last night. We have been told for months that John Kerry is a closer and I think we saw the first evidence last night that that is true. This was the strongest speech I have seen him give. Clearly set out the difference between a Kerry admin and another 4 years of Bush. I assume you all saw the speech so I won't recite the live but will say that I was for the first time inspired by John Kerry and on Nov. 2 I will be voting for John Kerry and John Edwards and not against Bush. It is no longer Anybody But Bush but instead is now John Kerry for President of the UNITED States of America.


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