Wednesday, July 14, 2004

OK Senate Race

Dems have a chance at picking up a seat here in Ok. Brad Carson (D) is running and has a good chance at winning. Congressman Carson is about as far right as a Dem. can be and went to my Alma Mater Baylor. However, he has a D by his name which, unless your Zell Miller, makes you a good guy in my book.

The primary is coming up and Carson is running basically unopposed. The repubs have 3 candidates 2 of which has a realistic chance. One is Kirk Humpheries, former mayor of OKC, and the other is former Congressman Tom Coburn. Oddly Coburn and Carson both represented the same congressional district which is the most liberal in the state. For real junkies this is the same district that was represent by Mike Synar before he got cancer.

Humpheries is a conservative but is a flaming liberal compared to Coburn. Coburn is a former Dr. and when he was on the hill would have a free lunch for interns who wanted to see a slide show about STDs. Just freaky. Anyway, TPM's John Marshall reports on some recent comments by Coburn:

Now, that's pretty pro-life.

Tom Coburn, a former member of the House of Representatives from Oklahoma, who is campaigning to become the Republican party's candidate to replace retiring Senator Don Nickles, recently said he supports the death penalty for doctors who perform abortions.

"I favor the death penalty," Coburn told the AP last week, "for abortionists and other people who take life."

The Republican primary is July 27th; the winner will face likely Democratic nominee Brad Carson.

-- Josh Marshall

Is that pro-life? Strange!

The primary will most likely end up in a run-off which means that they will keep attacking each other like crazy till the end of Aug. We could win this one.


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