Wednesday, September 08, 2004

So much to say

Sorry about the lack of blogging but I have followed the Bush jobs plan and have been unemployed. I have not had access to a computer so I could discuss the most hate filled and vile convention ever staged. The nice part is that it was full of lies and fear as well. If the Repubs want to get elected based on lies and fear and not a positive agenda for the country then I weep for the future of this country. Doesn't it say something about the future of the GOP that their keynote was given by an ancient "democrat" that has clearly fallen off the reservation. I mean this guy challenged Chris Mathews to a duel. He looked insane and I am not sure he wasn't. I also like the fact that Dick "go F yourself" Cheney opposed nearly every weapons system that Zell listed. Good work Dick. I could go on and on but really what is the point. It is clear that the repubs have no agenda other than fear and hate. All they know how to do is divide and destroy. It is would be funny if it wasn't so serious.

BTW Did any one notice how many times 9/11 was mentioned? I thought they weren't going to politicize that great national tragedy. But if you are Bush you will turn a national tragedy into political hate speech. Does anyone recall another right wing figure from history who was focused on fear and hate and based his rise to power by exploiting a national tragedy... I give you a hint... The date he exploited was 11/11/....


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