Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Hammer gets gets the Slammer

Well maybe not yet but he is on his way after being indicted on conspiracy charges today. He has also stepped down as majority leader. Free at last, free at last... thank God almighty we are free at last.

No for the on going controversy on HSF. Yani I understand what you were trying to do but if we are going to talk like that lets keep it off of the public forum. I don't mind good natured ribbing etc but there is no need for the rest of the public, however small that is, to be involved. I don't mind political disagreement but personal attack on bloggers is just pointless. Attack my politics not me. The only other point I would make is that if you want to post here please give your name. Nameless post are pointless and cowardly. Tim and I put our name on everything we write so should you.


Blogger dcyanni said...


Tom DeLay was just indicted. In accordance with Republican House rules, he will now step down, at least temporarily, from his role as Majority Leader.

Wouldn't it be fair and the right thing to do for the Democrats to have a similar rule? Right now, any of their leaders could be indicted and continue to serve.

As for me being continously blasted on this web-page, I'd appreciate it if you all could stop crucifying me for everything that has ever gone wrong on this blog. That is just slander!!!

Who do you think I am? Mike Brown? Don't blame me for everything that is wrong on this blog. Yanni, like Brownie, is doing a fantastic job. He has a good heart. A compassionate heart.

Also, don't crucify me making 40 year old Virgin jokes towards Colin. I find that movie to be one of the best. I admit that Michael Moore's movies are also attempts at pure comedy and I appreciate your love for Moore's fiction. I just find the 40 Year Old Virgin, and related jokes funny. I made them at Colin's expense because I know Colin and don't really know Tim except for a time or two I met him in New Orleans. YEA MAN!!!

Now, along those lines of the 40 Year Old Virgin - go ahead and feel free to make similar jokes towards me. Say that I'm gay. You know I'm gay because I love rubber duckies??? A comment like that will really hurt my feelings. SLANDER I TELL YOU. SLANDER!!!

Now, have you found out who the other people are that are posting anonymously on this blog?

3:18 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

Props to Colin for getting this on the blog... Unfortunately, I'm in computer purgatory right now and have severely diminished posting capacity... leaving comments is not a problem however...

In any event, let me say that this a day that every Texan (well, except for DeLay and his cronies) can feel proud. This a day where the evil and arrogant has been brought low. This day is another milepost on the long journey out of the darkness of Republican hegemony.

5:52 PM  
Blogger dcyanni said...


What another great choice for the Supreme Court by our duly elected President. What a pickle the Democrats are in. Do they oppose a moderate woman who shattered the glass ceiling simply because she was nominated by a President they despise? Or, do they fight her, like they fought John Roberts, and just plain look silly.

Here is another option that would actually help the Dems. How about overwhelmingly supporting her? The far right conservatives are uncomfortable with her nomintation. Democrats - if you all embraced her this would make them even more uncomfortable. In the long run, it would hurt the R's with the base.

1:45 PM  
Blogger Tim said...

I can't say that I agree with your analysis Yanni. First off, your premise that Miers is a moderate has no basis. Indications from Bush the Lesser are that she is a conservative.

Secondly, your suggestion that the pick is great because it could potentially put the Democratic party in a 'pickle' betrays a fundamentally flawed basis for evaluating potential justices on the order of Bush's cronyism.

Finally, overwhelming support on the part of Democrats for Miers' nomination, despite whatever speculative detrimental effect it would have on the president's base, would hurt the Democrats with their base much worse.

P.S., I'm still without computer so I apologize to all two point five of our readers for the dearth of posts on my part. As for Colin, well, he's just being lazy as usual...

7:34 PM  
Blogger dcyanni said...

Tim - You are correct, we don't know for sure if she is a moderate or not. We won't know until she is on the bench, most likely, unless she admits to being an idealogue in her hearings.

What we do know is this. Harry Reid, the Dem Senate leader, the highest ranking Dem in the country, recommended her to the President. Most Senators know her well and like her a tremendous amount. So, what is true about Miers is that she, at this point, isn't a divisive pick in moderate circles.

As for the Dem base - I agree with your assessment. However, I don't think the Dem base is in step with the country as a whole. It made Gore move to the far left, gave us Howard Dean who is hurting the Dem party, and gave us John Kerry at a time when any halfway moderate Dem could have won the last election. If the Dem base could just put their out of mainstream beliefs to the side for a brief moment (like they did when they supported Bill Clinton) they could have a major victory here. That is all that I am saying.


PS I Colin's absence, I'd be glad to take regular posting duties upon myself.

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're all a bunch of freaks. Your site is pure dribble that means nothing to real people with real problems.

Thanks for nothing.

10:53 PM  
Blogger Ryan V. said...

If we couldn't attack Colin personally, then we wouldn't waste our time hanging out with his Drew Carey-looking ass. It's feeding our own insecurities by picking on that goofy Swindle kid that makes the friendship even remotely worthwhile. Ya Cracka ass Cracka!

11:14 AM  
Blogger Tim said...

Once again, I have to concur with my fellow Texas attorney Logan Valdez. Just remember this blog is, and always has been, about helping "real people with real problems." Anything else is just 'dribble' [sic].

2:50 PM  
Blogger dcyanni said...

In a show of bipartisanship, I agree with Ryan and Tim.

I have to say, I didn't know that any blogs were about helping real people. That is what charity work is for, the Peace Corps, acts of good will and other things. The act of debating key issues rarely helps anyone, from the little guy to the big guys.

Now, as for Colin, I will refrain from making any comments, lest I be barred from this blog.

Colin is a great guy. He loves seeds, has a great lick and slick hair cut, and he once had a dog that strikingly resembled Jay Leno. COLIN FOR PRESIDENT!!!

10:32 AM  

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