Monday, July 31, 2006

We're 634,925th!

Woo Hoo!

In other news, congrats to Colin and Kathleen. I was honored to be a guest at their beautiful wedding.

Coming soon: A review of a place that is actually hotter than Houston in the middle of summer.


Blogger Colin said...

So glad you came! Sorry you had to leave so quickly. I did not get to see you at the reception. Hope you and E had fun.

9:01 AM  
Blogger Ryan V. said...

Yeah, where did Tim disappear to? One minute, you're there. The next, you're gone. Other than the initial "hey, how you doin'," I don't think I spoke with Tim.

11:05 AM  
Blogger dcyanni said...

Many highlights from a wonderful weekend. The top 2, off the top of my mind:

1) Seeing Colin and his beautiful bride say their nuptials;

2) Seeing Colin do the thriller dance at the reception.

12:59 PM  
Blogger dcyanni said...

"Diamonds are a Yanni's Best Friend" -- Yanni Channing

9:23 AM  
Blogger dcyanni said...

This is the 2006 Softball Season Ending Awards email. Both Colin and Canon (Chris) played on this team in years passed. Because of their stellar performance, both left a lasting impression on the team. Consequently, both have team awards named after them. Here is a summary of all of the awards:

Sorry for the delay everybody. Many of you have been waiting with bated-breath for a season recap and season ending awards for the NERDS’ spring 2006 season. But, at long last, here they are.

First, let me note from the outset that assistant to the assistant coach, Kristin White, has volunteered to organize the team party this year. I note, however, that we have heard this promise before. This is a quote from the 2005 spring season with respect to Kristin planning a party. The party “looks like it is going to be in August, at my house, during the day with volleyball and a cookout. More info to follow at a later date, but this party will be for old NERD team members and new and their fans.”

Don’t worry NERD fans – you didn’t miss anything. The party never happened. We need to try to do a better party this year. ANY PARTY. COME ON KRISTIN!!!

Now, here is the recap of the 2006 NERD SEASON:

The spring 2006 NERDS season ended on a high note, with the NERDS finishing with a winning record and advancing to the semifinals of the playoffs. The team that eventually beat us, the MISFITS, won it all. On top of our winning record, though, we came closer together as a team. This team chemistry was unbelievable. For evidence of this, look no farther than the playoffs. After Coach Yanni plowed over a helpless woman playing first base and almost incited a whole team to kick his @$$ the whole NERD squad had Yanni’s back. While Daniel “Whose your Trinidaddy” St. Victor ran out on the field to protect the coach – the rest of the team had their backs – way back.

Regrettably, the ending of this season will likely cause this outstanding NERD team to never play together again. That is because while the NERDS will return all 8 guys from next season, we lose a few women. “Princess” Lena Munasifi has decided to quit professional softball to pursue a legal career. Wendy “Salvador” Dahle, who is now known as Wendy “Crippin” Carey is joyously pregnant. And, NERD founding team member Denise “I go koo koo for” DiCocco”puffs” got married and pregnant.

A hearty congrats to all 3 women – but particularly to the 2 who will be bringing future NERDS into the world. By the way, with her marriage, Denise DiCocco DeFiesta shall now be known simply as Triple Ds.

Congrats on a great season everyone. I know we all look forward to the fall season and are grateful that Denise will come out to games to cheer us on. Wendy and Lena, we hope to see you too when possible.

As always, here are the season ending awards. (note: these are not real awards. Little in here is true and is solely meant for your reading pleasure – this waiver written by the Manning Law firm DOT COM!)

(1) The Christopher C.S. Manning Award – This award is named after Christopher C.S. Manning – an original NERD team member. Throughout his NERD career, he
made some of the most memorable plays ever. No one can forget the time that he threw the ball from shortstop over the backstop and allowed several runs to come in. Also, we will never forget when he single-handedly dropped like 8 balls at first base, allowing the other team to beat us. I could go on and on. But, you get the picture. This year’s Manning award winner is: Johnny “Jo Jo the Monkey” Frierson. Johnny is an absolute essential NERD team member. He is an absolute professional; an outstanding team member. But this year he had a new position to adjust to in the outfield. And, in 1 game in particular, he forgot to bring his lucky rally monkey. Instead of bringing the monkey he strolled onto field 2 with a non-chalance never seen before, carrying an apple in his hand. We need not rehash anymore.

(2) The Kristin White Most Improved Player Award (MIP) - This award goes out to the NERD team member who has improved the most throughout the year. Throughout the history of this award, no one has ever won it but Ms. Kristin White. This year, she wins it again. Her hitting improved dramatically and RBIs were a regular thing for her. Plus, she is as fast as she has ever been. With a scowl on her face, and laughter in her voice, White continues to improve each season. MIP!!! MIP!!! MIP!!!

(3) The Trinidaddy-Carruth Award - This award, formerly known as just the “Trinidaddy Award” was given annually in honor of our #1 fan, Daniel Trinidaddy. Daniel hails from Trinidad, and he comes out to watch every game and cheers us on. He makes each game more fun for all of us. While he holds the record for ejections among our team’s fans, the energy he brings helps our team significantly. This past year we saw a big change though. Daniel and fellow NERD Melissa Carruth got married. There was no pre-nup. As a result, the name of this award now belongs, 50% of it anyways, to Melissa. With Melissa being part of the award, the recipient changes too. The award winner must reflect both of their personalities. Daniel’s: high energy, loud, funny, dedicated, loyal. Melissa’s: low-key, fun, a cool cat, dedicated and loyal and who likes to hang out and drink draft beer.

With this in mind, I give this year’s Trinidaddy-Carruth Award to Nathaniel “I can bring home the bacon from” Magruder “and fry it up in a pan.” Nate makes every game. He is a NERD through and through. He is a genuinely nice guy and he loves to hang out (although not drink). Sure, he may throw a pitch right down the middle when everyone on the team thinks we are intentionally walking somebody. But, that is a small transgression in the grand scheme of things. Congrats to Nate.

(4) The Von Fogan Crowne Royal Spirit Award - Each year, Crowne Royal, in conjunction with Von Fogan, gives out an award to the NERD team member who has either (a) consumed the most spirits on the team; or (b) has the most spirit on the team. For the 2nd season in a row, this award goes to Vernon Britt Richardson III, aka Tack. Tack gets so excited before team games he can’t sleep. And for him, this is a family affair. His Mom – who by the way Von has a crush on – and his Dad come out to a ton of games. And, Tack’s girlfriend, “UBA TUBA” even made it out to Rock It Grill once. Next year, maybe UBA TUBA – aka TACK’S GIRLFRIEND - can make it to a game.

(5) The L. Keith Goins Award - This dubious award is given each year to the NERD team member who misses the most games. Past winners of this award include Keith Goins, Sonya Sotak, Mollie Sessoms; Liz Powers - all names most of you don't know. Why? Because they rarely came out and played. This year’s winner goes to Jim “the Gooch” Colucci who didn’t make a single game. While Von missed a number of games, he did make some. And, we had that bottle of crowne in a light blue NERD jersey to represent him when he wasn’t there. Jim, I know you will do better next year.

(6) The Patrick Clark Prime Time Award - Patrick Clark was the flashiest player ever on the NERDS. He had dreadlocks, special mags on his car, and gold, gold and more gold. The best thing that ever happened to Denise was that Prime Time finally left the team – he was forced out for failure to pay team dues. Why would this be beneficial to Denise you ask? Because she had a crush on him. Only with Patrick out of her life could Denise finally break free of his trance. Now, she has met a wonderful man named Armin with a great kid – Lil Nate. Now that she is married, Denise can no longer be a recipient of the award named after her former crush. This year’s award goes to “Lt. Commander” Meredith Moseley Beck. Moseley rejoined the team this season as a married woman. When she rejoined, she brought with her all the flash that you would expect of a prime-time award winner. The Becks would race into the parking lot in their flashy BMW. Then, Mere would walk around the softball diamond showing off all of her bling on her left hand. This off-season, she promises to buy a beeper to make the comparison to prime-time complete.

(7) The Lick and Slick Award - This award, so aptly named after former NERD team member, Colin BS Manning (who just got married by the way), goes to the Nerd team member with the best attitude who loves seeds. Since no one brings seeds anymore, this award is in jeopardy of fading away. Don’t let Colin’s memory fade away. Whoever wins this award, please bring seeds to the next game. This year, since no one brought seeds, the award came down to attitude. The award was a close race between Conrad Schatte and Brianna L. Tavernier. On the one hand, Conrad sat down in the outfield during a playoff game. On the other hand, Brianna regularly hoped games would be cancelled. In all seriousness, this award clearly goes to Brianna (as Conrad will win another award). Brianna, quite simply, is an outstanding NERD who never, ever misses games. She plays wherever requested without a gripe – whether its 2nd base or the outfield. And, this year she even pitched an inning. And, one thing for sure you can count on from Bri – she never, ever complains – even when most of the team mispronounces her name.

Congrats on winning this distinguished award Brianna. Please bring some seeds next season. Let’s not forget Colin.

By the way, NERD team members will be glad to know that I saw Colin in Oklahoma this weekend. He drives a Jeep Wrangler. Inside there are bags of seeds and hundreds of eaten and chewed seed shells scattered throughout his car.

(10) MVP– Female – This award goes to the female NERD who had the best season. While Melissa St. Victor had an amazing year at first base, and while she probably had the highest on-base percentage of anyone, the fact is that Melissa now has an award partially named after her anyways. Plus, the NERDS can’t deny this years’ recipient. So, I’d like us all to congratulate Brook “5 years and still no nickname” Ostrander on winning the MVP female award. She is undoubtedly an amazing fielder. And, she has always had great potential at the plate. But, this season, she put it all together. Her hitting was phenomenal. Some day, future NERDS will see Brook, and say “there goes Brook “no nickname” Ostrander” the best female there ever was in the 2006 NERD season.”

-- Brook – please note – Now that Tack has a girlfriend – UBA TUBA – he is no longer infatuated with your sister.

(11) MVP – Male – Of all the awards, this was the easiest to decide this year. Conrad “mamma say mamma sa moo mak oo” Schatte was the best all around NERD male player this past season. His fielding, which is always solid, remained great. Meanwhile, he took his hitting to another level with many home runs. Congrats on a great season, Conrad.

1:23 PM  

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