Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Love Those Polls

It is good to see the BS04, sorry I mean BC04, has such great poll numbers. I say this because every time BC gets ahead in anything they go nuts and start actually saying what they really believe. Sadly for them this means that they turn hateful and WAY over the top. Take yesterday for example when Dick said that:

"It's absolutely essential that eight weeks from today, on Nov. 2, we make the right choice," Mr. Cheney told a crowd of 350 people in Des Moines, "because if we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we'll get hit again and we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States."

Did he really just say that if you vote for KE04 then you are voting for terrorist? Yes, Virginia that is what he said. I thought they would at least be a little subtle about trying to say that, but I guess in their giddiness over their alleged lead they forgot they were only to imply that KE was un-American and not just come out and say it.

Oh and those poll number you rebups are so giddy about... Not really so good. Looks more like a bunch of people in TX and GA got all excited and not the people in states you need to win. Turns out that according to Gallup Kerry picked up 5% among likely voters in swing states. Personally I hope Bush wins 100% of the vote in TX, GA, MT etc and loses the electoral vote. That would be sweet sweet justice.

Did I mention that one of the Republican Electors from WVA is now saying that if Bush wins WVA he may not cast his vote for Bush. Not a good sign when your own Electors are saying they won't vote for you in the one elecetion that matters.


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