Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Another Bipartisan Endorsement - GEORGE ALLEN

So far this year, the independent-minded part of this blog has endorsed a Democrat and an Independent. Now, it is time to endorse a Republican, Senator George Allen from Virginia, for reelection to the United States Senate.

The first endorsement was Democrat Bill Halter for Lt. Governor of Arkansas. He is an indepent minded middle of the road Democrat who I've known for a few years now. This guy is top-notch and deserves your support. www.halterforarkansas.com Halter is ahead in the poll and looks like he is headed to victory.

Next, part of this blog endorsed an independent thinker that a Manning brother, Canon Manning, volunteered for: Joe Lieberman, Indepedent. After a tough primary, Lieberman has regained his footing and now seems to be a lock for reelection. America needs to work to ensure that statesman are rewarded, not punished when they have the courage to stand up for what is right, regardless of the partisans. If you want to contribute to his campaign, see previous posts.

Now, part of this blog would like to endorse a Republican - Senator George Allen. George Allen has served as a member of the General Assembly in Virginia; as a member of the House of Representatives; as Governor of Virginia; and for the last six years as the junior Senator from Virginia. From fighting for more money for historically black colleges and universities to fighting to make sure that more and more Americans get to keep more of their hard-earned tax dollars, George Allen understands Virginia. While, without question, he has made some startling gaffes during this campaign, these incidents don't completely diminish years of public service and the strong record of achievement he has had for all Virginians in elected office. For these reasons, we say GEORGE ALLEN for Senate. He has earned the vote of Virginians for another six years. (By the way, in newest poll out today, he is up 4 over his opponent). To contribute to this winning campaign, please visit: www.georgeallen.com


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