Friday, June 18, 2004


Lots of interesting articles are coming out about who Kerry is going to pick so I thought I would weigh in with my own opinions. Ted Rall has an interesting article re: the McCain courting. I understand his point but I believe that Democrats are of two minds this year. On one hand is the desire to elect a progressive/liberal who will take charge of the party and have us stand for something again. On the other hand is the Anybody But Bush camp which really only cares about not having W. in office anymore. I started out in with the 1st group and whole heartdly through my support behind the only credible progressive, Howard Dean. With his loss in the primaries I came to realize that the ABB camp was going to win out. Therefore, if that is the way you are going to go the McCain made a lot of sense. Moderates and Repubs love him and Dems would vote for Kerry anyway. You would not get the Progressive changes that many of us wanted but at least W. was out. Ok now that that is out of the way lets look at real potential VPs.

John Edwards - This would be my pick at this point. He is moderate, good looking, great speaker, very warm and likeable. They contrast between the Edwards and Cheney in the debate would be a huge positive for us. Edwards the up beat good looking southerner v. the most dour person in the gov. Plus, Edwards might bring North Carolina. His downside is only a 1 term senator and the good work of protecting the little people as a plaintiffs lawyer.

Dick Gephardt - So boring. Might bring MO. Would bring Labor but they are going to be with us anyway. He was a leader in the party for a long time but basically lost us the election in 2002 by basically agreeing with Bush on everything.

Tom Vilsak - Gov of Iowa. Need I say more.

Bill Richardson - Gov. of NM - I think he would be great. Gov of a swing state, Hispanic, former Ambassador to the U.N. Has foreign policy experience and leadership experience. However, said he doesn't want it. Damn!

Howard Dean - If there is a swing back to the progressive/change side this would be an interesting pick.. Ok lets face it it is not going to happen. Fun to dream though.

Ok so those are my thoughts.... My bet is the Kerry shocks us all and picks someone not overly talked about.


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