Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Don't believe the no bounce stories

Slate and a number of others have explained the facts behind the recent polls. Don't believe the right wing hype that there was not a bounce. This is slowly becoming KE04's race to lose. They are in a great position and I think it is only going to get better. Here are some state polls Kos posted.


Blogger dcyanni said...

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10:24 AM  
Blogger Colin said...

Once again Yani resorts to name calling and twisting the facts. At least he decided to put his name on this post. If those reader want to read about the USAToday/CNN/Gallup poll I fully encourage them to read the poll fully and the slate article I linked to. It is the only poll not showing a 4-7 point bounce for Kerry and if you look at the question beyond the horse race number you will see the Kerry improved in every nearly every area polled. I and many commentators believe that the number in the horse race was an outlier.

I know that Repubs hate it when the facts don't fit their altered reality but we must keep showing them and the country the truth.

10:41 AM  
Blogger dcyanni said...

To Little Michael Moore and his Cronies:

I agree with you that Kerry and Edwards are in a great position. This election is going to be close, very close.

But, to twist the facts about the election bounce is another example of this website twisting the truth. This is almost like Kerry telling some Catholics that he is pro-life - it just is a bunch of crap. This website is worse than Farrenheit 9/11.

Gallup polls aren't like CNN polls. And, the USA Today is no conservative bastion. Below, for your readers, I have provided the link to the poll and the article about the bounce issue. It is very clear that Kerry did not receive any bounce from the convention. Some will argue that Bush actually received a bounce. Kerry folks even admit there was no post convention bounce, as Kerry spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter, was quoted in another paper admitting this.

The question then becomes, how do we interpret the fact that Kerry received no bounce from the convention and that Bush's numbers actually increased after the Dem convention? Well, to some, including me, it means that the more people get to know Kerry, the less they like them. Others have different views.

Here is the link:

10:44 AM  
Blogger dcyanni said...

P.S. I am not "Anonymous." I am Colin's moderate friend who enjoys his witty banter and political distortions, but I prefer to identify myself then to go by a secret name.

I want equal time on the front page of this blog. Yannity & Colomes - Colin and I can provide point-counterpoint.

10:46 AM  
Blogger molly said...

Yani, why don't you start a blog? It's very easy and you can post about anything you like. I think this blog is nice as it is and it kind of doesn't make sense to change the tone of it. This is just my personal opinion.

7:00 PM  

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