Monday, September 25, 2006

Things Looking Up for Republicans

With only a month and a half left before the mid-term elections things are looking better for Republicans. While many bloggers out there are predicting a loss of the House and Senate for the Republicans, this blog pointed out months ago that the Senate would likely stay Republican. Now, with a month and a half before the election, that looks like an accurrate prediction.

Again, the Senate is now 55 Republicans; 44 Democrats; and 1 Independent who votes with the Democrats. In order to take control of the Senate, the Democrats need to pick up 6 seats. Fortunately, for America, this still seems highly improbable.

The Democrats are now favored in a few races where Republicans now hold Senate seats. (1) Ohio - Republican Mike DeWine is in a close race with Sherrod Brown. DeWine is closing the gap and is now down 2 points. (2) Rick Santorum - Republican Senator from Pennsylvania is still down to Casey. However, the gap is closing quickly. (3) Lincoln Chafee - Republican from Rhode Island. He is down in the polls. (4) Conrad Burns Republican from Montana is down 7 against his Democrat opponent.

If the Democrats win all 4 seats - they still won't have enough. The other close races seem to be leaning heavily towards the Republicans, including: George Allen in Virginia; Larry Corker in Tennessee; and Jim Talent in Missouri. On top of all this - the Republicans have an OUTSTANDING chance to pick up New Jersey where Senator Bob Menendez has faced ethical challenges that have been highlighted in his race against Tom Kean.

So, this blog stands by its prediction made previously. The Republicans will lose seats in the Senate but not enough to lose control of the Senate.

In addition, in a show of bipartisanship, part of this blog would like to formally endorse Joe Lieberman for Senate in Connecticut. He is a true statesman. We need more moderate people like him in public office. John F. Kennedy once wrote a book called, "Profiles in Courage." Lieberman is a modern day profile in courage. GO JOE GO.

If you'd like to give money to the Lieberman campaign, please click on the following link:


Blogger Tim said...

I'll leave it to someone else to refute Yanni on the merits (assuming it can be done). At the rate things are going around here though, we might just wait for the election to do so for us.

I would invite Yanni to expand on this notion a little more fully however: "Fortunately, for America, [Democratic takeover of the Senate] still seems highly improbable."

6:28 PM  

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