Great Expectations
Great Expectations stars Ethan Hawke and Gwyneth Paltrow and directed by Alfonso Cuarón.

I must also mention that Chris Cooper plays Uncle Joe and played it perfectly.
This is a modern day adaptation of the classic Dickens book which I am currently reading. Since I have not finished the book I will not make acomparisonn between the two and review the movie on its own. The story starts in the Gulf of Florida where a young Finn finds the mysterious criminal played by Robert De Niro who he helps to escape. He then meets the love of his life Estella when he and Joe go to an old mansion to do yard work. The owner is Ms. Nora Dinsmoor played by Anne Bancroft.
Having not read the book I do not know how closely this story follows the book but I found the story to be very compelling especially when one thinks about the title. Finn had great expectations that if he became famous and rich then Estalla would be his when in fact by achieving his "goals" he drives Estella into another man's arms. It is only when he returns home that he finds the love with Estella that he sought all along.
I really enjoyed this film but it is not going to get 4 Tikis and this is why. The director went nuts. In order to prove that Finn's great expectations of riches drove the decisions in his life Alfonso Cuarón dressed everyone in green and or had green in the back ground. It is an interesting construct at first but becomes strained and distracting as the movie advances. So therefore since he was being too cutesy he get 3 Tikis. Othewise it was a very good movie and I am looking forward to reading the book. I will review the book after I finish.

I must also mention that Chris Cooper plays Uncle Joe and played it perfectly.
This is a modern day adaptation of the classic Dickens book which I am currently reading. Since I have not finished the book I will not make acomparisonn between the two and review the movie on its own. The story starts in the Gulf of Florida where a young Finn finds the mysterious criminal played by Robert De Niro who he helps to escape. He then meets the love of his life Estella when he and Joe go to an old mansion to do yard work. The owner is Ms. Nora Dinsmoor played by Anne Bancroft.
Having not read the book I do not know how closely this story follows the book but I found the story to be very compelling especially when one thinks about the title. Finn had great expectations that if he became famous and rich then Estalla would be his when in fact by achieving his "goals" he drives Estella into another man's arms. It is only when he returns home that he finds the love with Estella that he sought all along.
I really enjoyed this film but it is not going to get 4 Tikis and this is why. The director went nuts. In order to prove that Finn's great expectations of riches drove the decisions in his life Alfonso Cuarón dressed everyone in green and or had green in the back ground. It is an interesting construct at first but becomes strained and distracting as the movie advances. So therefore since he was being too cutesy he get 3 Tikis. Othewise it was a very good movie and I am looking forward to reading the book. I will review the book after I finish.
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