This is a bit different from 'I didn't inhale...'
It's on tape and apparently has been verified. I don't approve of what this guy did, but it does provide yet another window into the duplicity of W.
I find it particularly amusing to hear what the White House has to say:
Trent Duffy, a White House spokesman, said, "The governor was having casual conversations with someone he believed was his friend." Asked about drug use, Duffy said, "That has been asked and answered so many times there is nothing more to add."
Is it just me or is that a total misrepresentation of the situation? Has Bush ever actually answered questions about his substance abuse? If, as he claims, he is in recovery from his dependancy, then isn't the real question about whether he is honest and upfront with others about the issue? This would normally be a personal question but given his role in the American polity, this possibly crippling denial on the part of the president with respect to his alcoholism and drug use is troubling to say the least.
Let's not even speculate about the fact that this guy passed out/choked on a pretzel during one Superbowl and 'went to sleep' before the notorious Janet Jackson half time.