Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Conservatives: Darwin = Bad; Social Darwinism = Good

Rober Reich takes 'em down a peg or three...

Well, I've switched to Firefox... why haven't you?

Recently, after having to depollute my computer of all of the crap that had been loaded on it as a result of using MS Explorer, I was converted to the Mozilla Firefox explorer.

Trust me, or at least trust every tech guy (or gal) that I've talked to who isn't on the Microsoft payroll... This is the way to go.

For another endorsement, go here.

Firefox doesn't entirely replace Microsoft Explorer (some websites, like Microsoft update (surprise, surprise) are programmed to use it) but in almost every respect, Firefox is easier to use.

Go ahead, thumb your nose at Microsoft....

Monday, November 28, 2005


Lying cheating republican bastards. At least Duke one finally fessed up.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

RIP; George Best

I'm not enough of a football (you know, soccer) fan to truly appreciate what George Best meant to the game, but I can appreciate a man who summarized his life by saying: "I spent all my money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered."

Monday, November 21, 2005

Do you eat goat?

Frankly, I love some good cabrito... but that's just me coming from Houston, home of the best Mexican restaurants in the world... Apparently, more americans are coming around on eating goat... and not just goat cheese...

So, do you eat goat? My lovely wife, who will otherwise try just about anything, just doesn't like the idea of eating goat... Like I said, I think it's fantastic... How about you?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

You just can't make stuff like this up...

"No Exit Strategy"

Via Atrios

Here's the rest of the story...

Saturday, November 19, 2005

That Sports Guy makes the NYTimes....

To be honest, the story doesn't quite deliver the goods on Bill Simmons. However, for a (very) brief profile, it's not too bad.

The Man Who Sold the War

Read all about it at RollingStone.com

via Tom Tomorrow

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Farewell, McRibb?

It seems like McDonald's has been bringing the McRib back and taking it off the menu forever. Personally, I can count the number of times I've eaten at McDonald's in the last decade on one hand and have fingers left over. The reason I mention this though is because it reminds me of the Simpsons episodewhere Homer followed a tour for the 'Ribwich.' The best exchange was when krusty revealed that the animal used to make the Ribwich had become extinct and when the Ribwich fans guessed what it was, Krusty simply told them that the animal had 'a lot more legs'...

Funny how life imitates art while art is parodying life...

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Well, this blog is, among other things, about slightly skewed views on food....

I love sushi, but this is more than just slightly skewed... Not to mention that $125 a person is pretty pricey... even if it is all-you-can-eat...

Here's a brief interview with the young woman in question....

Russ Feingold as the next Howard Dean?

The New Republic thinks so (subscription required)

For non-subscribers, here's the money quote:

For many of these New Hampshire Democrats, Feingold and his fearless approach reminded them of their last true love: Howard Dean. When Feingold appeared on a Manchester-area radio show, one man called in and said, "I think I'm hearing Howard Dean." After Feingold's speech in Epping, a Democrat in the audience named Kevin Bowe suggested to me that "he's clearly positioned to get that Howard Dean thing going." Meanwhile, on the Huffington Post blog--one of many liberal websites to celebrate Feingold of late--the leftist icon Tom Hayden recently asked, "Is Russ Feingold the Next Howard Dean?"

This article was also referenced here by Matthew Yglesias at TPM Cafe....

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Good Government in Texas...

Hey, I've got an idea... Let's reform taxes in Texas... Sure property taxes are really high... And sales taxes are also very high... Oh, and look, we don't have state income tax... hmm... how shall we go about 'reforming' taxes? I know we'll form a commission! Now, who should we put on the commission? Maybe we should appoint someone with a history of good business judgment... Yeah, that'll do the trick.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Near Sweep for Dems

Dems win Gov. in NJ and VA. (Guess the Bush visit didn't help) Arnold loses all of his ballot measures. Dem St. Paul Mayor who endorsed Bush last year... OUT... for a new real Dem Mayor. In Tucson Dems took control of city council. In Dover, Del 8 Repubs we kicked out of the school board and replaced with 8 dems (this was an intel design issue). Maine upheld gay right legis... I could go on and on.

So we did not win everything. Lost NYC race but everyone saw that coming. Lost the marriage amendment in TX but the joke is on them because as pointed out in an earlier post they just banned ALL marriage gay and hetro. HAHA. Does that mean Bush and Laura aren't married in TX anymore.

We now have the big MO but we have to carry it into next year. Keep working hard and we can return the Gov. to the people.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

So far...

Great night for Dems... Winning in VA and NJ gov. races. going to lose in NYC but that was expected. TX did ban all marriages but what can you do. :-) The Bush fall out has begun.

Just when you were starting to enjoy rooting for the Redskins again...


I had no idea this was going on... I'm literally flabbergasted as I write this. I really can't think of much to say about this bizarre behavior. I guess it's better than Sean Taylor waving guns at people, but that's setting the bar pretty low...

Monday, November 07, 2005

Farewell to Wayne Chrebet?

Seeing as how we have a NY Jets margarita glass on the top of our blog, it would be irresponsible not to comment on this. Which just goes to show that Colin, our resident Jets fan and the founder of this blog, is, as we all kinda knew, irresponsible. Nevertheless, we hope that we haven't seen the last of The Green Lantern. I don't have the time to dig up the links, but NFL fans will remember Chrebet as the signal of defiance against the rise of the diva wide receiver as personified by Keyshawn Johnson at the time and presently by Terell Owens...


Lil'Yanni Appleseed... What happened to your Chokies?

Sunday, November 06, 2005

So, let's discuss the Alito nomination...

Friday, November 04, 2005

Hmmm, Bush is unpopular you say?

Whatever could have happened to make people dislike that nice man from Texas. Perhaps it's these lousy job numbers... Or the Katrina response, or Iraq, or the Miers fiasco, or the Libby indictment, or the record budget defecits or... Well, I could go on but there's only so much time in the day...

welcome.... sorry

Welcome to our new guest blogger. Sorry I had to delete your first post but the way you did the link was what was messing up the set up of the site. DOH!! Sorry.

Approval ratings

Bush's approval ranking came out yesterday and today. Approves as low as 35% and disapproves as high as 60%... OUCH!! The country is catching on. BTW Dick "Go Fuck Yourself" Cheney is at 19% approval.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Ummm, yeah....

Introducing our newest Blogger

We'd like to give a warm welcome to Canon/Chris Manning, Colin's older brother. I'll let Canon say more about himself if he wants to, but we here at HawaiianShirtFriday Industries are excited to have him on board and we expect him to post even more frequently than Colin (i.e., more than never...)

Same old Republican smear tactics....

What do the Republicons do when things are going poorly for them? They fabricate charges to get their way. It brings to mind the quote from that unnamed White House official who chided reporters, telling them that Republicons 'create reality.'

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sony Corp... bunch of bastards..