Saturday, December 23, 2006

Thought for the day (or week)

Via Pharyngula

Don't believe anything. Regard things on a scale of probabilities.

The things that seem most absurd, put under 'Low Probability', and the things that seem most plausible, you put under 'High Probability'.

Never believe anything. Once you believe anything, you stop thinking about it. The more things you believe, the less mental activity. If you believe something, and have an opinion on every subject, then your brain activity stops entirely, which is clinically considered a sign of death, nowadays in medical practice. So put things on a scale of probability, and never believe or disbelieve anything entirely.

-Robert A. Wilson (interview with "innerview")

Celebrity Death Match: The Donald versus The Pig

This whole flap between Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell is pretty fun to watch. In my view, Trump seems to be getting the best of the loud mouthed O'Donnell by far.

Here is a link of the most recent public arguments. OH SNAP!!!!

Canon Haiku Part III

Canon likes chicken
Peruvian style. Choppy
Chop, chop. Muy good. MMMM!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Miss Universe - You're NOT Fired and a Haiku Part Two

Yes, it is true that, today, Donald Trump chose not to fire Miss Universe for her many transgressions, including underage drinking.

How fortunate we are in America to have an alternative to look up to. Without Miss America 2006, an Oklahoma University grad, I'm afraid that we in the United States would be lost without a role model. Here is more info on Miss America (formerly Miss Oklahoma):

This site will also give you a good preview of the 2007 contestants. I, for one, am for Miss. Virginia. Here is more info on her: I note that her platform is "behaving respectfully and valuing others." Perhaps we all, Mr. Canon, could take a lesson from Ms. Virginia.

Value Virginia
Not all good is in DC
Real friends in VA.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Canon Haiku

Canon loves cuff-links
He wears them to the U-Club
Be my friend for dues.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Death Penalty

Is it just too barbaric - ie. cruel and unusual punishment or is it not harsh enough for those who commit the most heinous crimes? Either side you take, the issue isn't going away soon. Thoughts?

NOTE: This is a legit attempt to bring this blog back to life, in light of the fact that the poetry idea is failing miserably.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Ya gonna eat that deformed deer?

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Bi-partisan bastardry

Not to take away from the poetry slam that this blog is currently evolving into, but...

This is the kind of crap that gives fodder to both right wing and left wing critics of government.

In a way, the predicament is almost beautiful in how it clearly illustrates the manipulation of out-dated New Deal regulations by big business and how conservative (ostensibly libertarian) politicians and progressive (ostensibly populist) politicians are co-opted by those businesses.

I would venture to guess that most readers of this blog (whomever they might still be) have not ever wondered how the price of milk was set in this country. Well, now you know. I wish this were the only instance of big business paying big bucks to so-called free market conservatives to distort the market, and I wish this were the only instance of big business paying so-called progressive liberals to subvert regulations in service of higher profits, but it just isn't so.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Bathroom Poet, "Crapismo"

"Here I sit
All Broken-hearted
Needing to Shit
But I only Farted"

-- The Bathroom Poet, Crapismo.