Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Kendall Gill Wins Pro Debut in Chicago

Sorry for the lack of posts here. Colin said he was going to be picking up the slack but... well, you'll have to ask him.

In the meantime, I'm sure all one point 2 of our daily readers will be glad to know that former Fighting Illini legend Kendall Gill showed what they're talking about when they call them the Fighting Illini. Congrats Kendall. Now just don't get too cocky...

Thursday, June 16, 2005

"Patriot"act rebuff

Once again Bush has threatened a veto and once again the repub have shrugged him off. Yesterday they voted with a huge majority to over turn sections of the Patriot Act FBI seizure of library and bookstore records. This is the first step to rolling back this horrible law. Maybe next we can get a roll back of the tax breaks for the ultra-rich and fix SS.

She-male crabs!?!?!?

WAPO reports on a she-male crab... How long till the Repub try to step in with a constitutional amendment banning them from the dinner table?

Nice work Dr. Frist

Remind me not to go to our favorite cat killing doctor. His diagnosis of Schaivo was proved totaly wrong in the autopsy. Good thing the real doctors got it right.

SS "reform" Exit Plan

WAPO reports that the Repubs not only can't get the dems on board to destroy SS but the repubs won't stay in line either. The are refusing to even bring their horrible bill to the floor b/c they no it is going to fail so why force people to vote for the end of SS. They can't get the bill out because enough repub won't vote for privitization but if they take privitization out then too many repub. won't vote for it w/o out. I LOVE IT!!! My fav. quote is this from Sen Graham "The idea of not having an alternative to the Bush proposal is politically acceptable, at least for the moment," he said. "So I don't see any momentum for Democrats to come forward with a proposal." Exactly!!! Dems do have a plan.... its called social security.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Is Ichiro a Hall of Famer

Alex Xod scoops the MSM

Monday, June 13, 2005

Tulane's heading to the College Worlds Series!

In a dramatic final game in the Super Regionals, number one ranked Tulane fended off a tough Rice team at good ole' Turchin Stadium in New Orleans to return to the College World Series for the second time in School history.

Go Green Wave!

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Kurt Kittner leads Amsterdam to World Bowl Victory! Wins game MVP

Kurt threw for 239 yards and 2 touchdowns with no interceptions in a thrilling game decided in the last seconds. Fantastic. Kurt wasn't the most accurate passer, but he got the job done. Hopefully, this performance will help relaunch his NFL career. I'll have more to say later.

I!!! L!!! L!!!

Update: Here's a game summary.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Abuse of power reigns...

GOP shuts down Judicary Committee meetings when they don't like what the testimony says. Looks like the quote in the earlier post is coming true. Any criticizism of the president or the policies is said to undermine the "war on terror". Only 1.5 years till the democratic revolution.

P.S. Gopers now wants to shut down big bird and Elmo.

Bolton stalled till documents turned over

The Mustache Wars have begun again. Minority Leader Reid has told the president that either documents that have been asked for and promised be turned over or Bolton's nomination will be held up. It is time for Bush to come clean on our favorite Mustache. Why does he hate the U.N., Why does he keep firing people who don't give him the intel he wants, Why does he keep changing intel, What is the deal with the creepy mustache...

I was reading an article on the Bolton nomination in the International Herald Tribune on the flight home from Rom and came across the scariest/saddest quote I have ever read. "Criticizing and undermining the president weakens the war on terror" Reverend Russell Johnson, a leader of the Restoration Project which helped the Bush campaign in 2004 in Ohio. Maybe I am crazy but I think the most noble and patriotic thing you can do is speak out when you see your goverment doing something you find wrong. Thoughts?

Lame Shrub

55% of of America disapprove of the "job" Bush is doing as president. 51% have an unfavorable impression of Bush. These are dangerously low numbers especially sine he was just elected 8 months ago. Bush has slide quicker into lame duck status than any president. This is the time that Dems need to step up and lead. Make sure the people see that we are the ones doing the people's business and not distracted by special interest groups. If we can then our chance in the midterms of taking back either the house or senate or both is greatly increased.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Colin's posting again?

I thought that guy was dead or something.... It's good to see him back in any event... I'd like to see whether he will be able to overcome my latest fifteen or something posting streak...

This may be the last one we get of these

I'll be wishing Kurt the best of luck in the World Bowl....

To pass the time, a couple of us grew beards to see who could come up with the funniest looking one. I grew a Fu Manchu and a strip beard combo, and I'm debating whether or not to go with the handlebars and cut my hair into a mullet. Every time I look into the mirror and see my stupid facial hair, I laugh.

Gang of 14 strikes again...

Prior has been approved for his judgeship. God help us.

Let's talk about the "Gang of 14". Was this good for the Dems? Would we have been better off rolling the dice and having the vote. If we had won, Frist would have been done. If we lost, when President Clinton is in office we could jam through whatever judge we wanted. I think it is the better thing for the country but why is it that the Dems are always the ones protecting the constitution and doing the "right thing" and the Repub trying to destroy the Constitution and not carrying about the rules. See redistricting, Schiavo... Maybe it is time the Dems fight fire with fire.

Then again there is something to be said for letting the Repubs hang themselves with their abuses of power.

I promised our republican reader that I would give props to Warner for being a member of the Gang. So here is a tropical drink toast to you Warner. Now do what is right and vote against Bolton.

Tomorrow... Downing Street Memo, Bolton, and the scariest quote I have ever read.

If you get a chance you need to read White House Memo today. All about the FOX "news" interview with Bush in which he is never asked about the war.

Deep Throat

Is anyone else dissapointed in the Deep Throat announcement? I was so hoping it was going to be somebody fun like Pat Buchannan. Instead it is just some old crazy guy at the FBI. Oh well!! Question for our reader... If it had not been for Watergate and Nixon's resignation would we be as deep in the politics of personal destruction? Was the impeachment of Clinton "payback" for Nixon?

When in Rome

I have had tons of people complain about my lack of posting. To that I say F. U. Mutha Fers!!! I was guiding 10 people through Rome and Florence. It was a great trip but I am glad to be back. I will try to post everyday this summer.

Monday, June 06, 2005

There's a great story about the time when Redskins RB John Riggins met Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor

and said to her: "Loosen Up Sandy baby. You're too tight." Well, according to Alex Xod Sandy has let her hair down a little bit...

Meanwhile, in an unrelated development, it turns out that politicians are, in fact, better able to make all healthcare decisions than are doctors.

I seem to remember there being some consternation on the right when the Clintonites were fomenting their health care plan... Apparently, federal intervention in medical care is only appropriate in certain cituations... like giving multi-million dollar handouts to pharmaceutical companies giving multi-million dollar handouts to pharmaceutical companies...

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Do you know what it means to miss New Orleans?

This is troublesome.

The report already has ignited debate in Louisiana. If that state's coast continues to sink, its multibillion-dollar plan to protect coastal cities and wetlands from flooding has targeted the wrong problem, erosion. Every building on land certified as safe from flooding may, in fact, be in danger if Louisiana's benchmarks are flawed. And levees thought to protect New Orleans from a Category 3 hurricane might fail even if a moderate Category 2 storm struck the Big Easy.

I cannot overstate how significant New Orleans is in my life. It is an intrinsic, and tragic, aspect of the city that our enjoyment of what it is and what it was is necessarilly ephemeral. Oftentimes, we are forced to reconcile romantic notions that reflect the way we wish things could be with circumstances that contradict our hopes.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Continuing to follow up on former flying Illini

This isn't quite as interesting as Kendall Gill becoming a boxer but it is a sad story of how Nick Anderson feels about his professional career.

Former Illini Hoops Star Kendall Gill to begin boxing career

Apparently he's been training for a while.

I'm not really sure what to say. However, because Kendall was a great player for the Illini and has represented the team well in the pros, I wish him the best of luck in his new endeavor.

Texas' Gov. to sign anti-abortion and anti-homosexual bills at church school

Because, when it comes to destroying the separation of church and state, you might as well be upfront about it....

I particularly like this part of the article:
"It's interesting. No one seemed to protest the governor signing a bill at a business or a hospital," [the governor's spokesman] said. "It's not a political event. It's a bill-signing."

However, Tarrant County Republican Chairwoman Pat Carlson said she was thinking about politics when she suggested the venue to the governor's staff last week.


Ladies and gentlemen, Frank Zappa had it right many years ago: Tax the churches. Tax the businesses run by the churches.