Prior has been approved for his judgeship. God help us.
Let's talk about the "Gang of 14". Was this good for the Dems? Would we have been better off rolling the dice and having the vote. If we had won, Frist would have been done. If we lost, when President Clinton is in office we could jam through whatever judge we wanted. I think it is the better thing for the country but why is it that the Dems are always the ones protecting the constitution and doing the "right thing" and the Repub trying to destroy the Constitution and not carrying about the rules. See redistricting, Schiavo... Maybe it is time the Dems fight fire with fire.
Then again there is something to be said for letting the Repubs hang themselves with their abuses of power.
I promised our republican reader that I would give props to Warner for being a member of the Gang. So here is a tropical drink toast to you Warner. Now do what is right and vote against Bolton.
Tomorrow... Downing Street Memo, Bolton, and the scariest quote I have ever read.
If you get a chance you need to read
White House Memo today. All about the FOX "news" interview with Bush in which he is never asked about the war.