Thursday, October 27, 2005

It's like something you might read in The Onion... or 1984...

Credit to Canon for catching this one... Apparently, because it has nothing better to do and can think of no more effective ways to improve its image, the White House is throwing a hissy fit about The Onion using the presidential seal.

How typical of this regime... they've yet again demonstated their fundamental inability to understand our country and how it works. Moreover, they've proven how tone deaf they are when it comes to humor. Don't forget Bush thinks it's a joke that the super rich, like himself and Cheney, cheat on taxes and who could forget the sketch Bush played at the White House Correspondents' Dinner featuring him looking around the Oval Office for those pesky WMD's?

Update: Fortunately, The Onion has taken the high road in this controversy and continues to provide fair and balanced, compassionate even, coverage of The White House.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Is Texas going to refuse to recognize marriages?

If this amendment to the State Constitution passes, it appears that the State and any of its political subdivisions will be forbidden from recognizing 'any legal status identical or similar to marriage.'

So, is this what all of the bigots meant when they said that recognizing same-sex marriages would destroy marriage? Interestin... If they can't control it, apparently they'll destroy it...

Sunday, October 23, 2005

If you thought Hillary was a brilliant commodities trader...

you'll flip over Harriet's Miers real estate savvy...

She must have gotten the "Superfund Premium."

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Not quite the picture I expected...

But it was immensely satisfying to see Tom Delay pose for his mugshot today... Too bad we didn't get to see a perp walk... Maybe sometime in the future...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Time to break out the tinfoil hats....

What does it say about our government, when you read a story about how your computer printer contains a secret code that can be used to track you down in every document you print and you say to yourself, "I can't believe it. No, wait. I can absolutely believe it."

This isn't shades of Big Brother, this is positively Orwellian. Time to go buy a typewriter. (Does anyone remember those things?)

Here's the lead paragraph:
It sounds like a conspiracy theory, but it isn't. The pages coming out of your color printer may contain hidden information that could be used to track you down if you ever cross the U.S. government.

The Delay Defense

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Headline: Big levees for New Orleans won't come cheap

Ummmmm.... The flood wasn't exactly a bargain either....

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Comment Spamming

In my rather less than infinite abilities as an administrator of this blog, I have instituted a word recognition requirement for comments. I apologize for the inconvenience but I am tired of clearing out the comments that are nothing more than advertising. It could go without saying, but I'll say it anyway, such advertisements/spamming are intrusive and in this context could be construed as illegal.

For the time being, anonymous comments will be permitted. However, I should point out that our own beloved gadfly, Yanni, has even gone so far as to register when he posts his comments. Therefore, we may, upon further consideration, limit comments to registered users. The intent would be to further limit obnoxious behaviors such as trolling and spamming.

"Once again, we're doing our best to help real people with real problems..."

The scandal that has the repubs worried

With all the scandals out there the Abramoff one is the one that really scares them. They are all involved and it goes all the way up. the WAPO has a great piece on it today.

Friday, October 14, 2005

The next Mike Brown?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Gosh, I can't wait to raise my children in a dormitory environment....

Arkansas Mother Gives Birth to 16th Child...

And this is a good thing how? Please discuss....

What Molly said...

Onioin hits the nail on the head

I love the onion. Bush to appoint new Secretary of the Nation

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Ya watch Pro Football?

then read Jerry Markbreit....

btw, I think I own the record for linking to Jerry Markbriet's column...

The Rove Scandal is coming alive...

The lame duck period has begun

The Miers nomination has finally opened the eyes of conservatives to what the Dems have seen all along. Bush is incompetent and makes horrible decisions based on cronyism and bad advice. Basically we are we were prior to 9/11. If you remember way back when Bush's approval rating was in the tank and everyone was talking about how just 9 months into his presidency his agenda was basically done. Dems had retaken the senate and were on a roll. Then 9/11 happened and Bush's approval were artificially inflated by posturing like "bring'em on" and the war. Now he has come down to Earth and everyone, even conservatives, are beginning to see that the emperor has no clothes. The moderates are also beginning to see through Bush's code speech to wingers and find it scary. The social conservatives fear his judicial nomination of Miers and fiscal conservatives are worried about the out of control spending. So what to the dems need... Terry Neal has the answer... or at least the question.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Save Kinky!

Texas gubernatorial candidate Kinky Friedman says he's restructuring his campaign, not retreating. I hope so, but all the same, now is the time to buy your Koinky Friedman bumper stickers to help support his campaign. The challenge of getting on the ballot in Texas is difficult and Kinky needs all the support he can get. Assuming the estimable Chris Bell, who had the courage to file ethics complaints against Tom DeLay in the House of Representatives, is unchallenged in the Democratic primary, Texas Democrats should refrain from voting in the primary so that they will be eligible to sign the petition to get Kinky on the ballot.