Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Zapping the exterminator

Here's the latest article reporting on how we just might get rid of Tom Delay yet....

The Zapper is fighting back I think that it is particularly regrettable that he has appropriated W's challenge phrase 'bring it on,' given the callous disregard for the safety of our fighting men and women inherent when it was originally invoked.

Monday, March 28, 2005


Congrats to Tim and Elizabeth and the Illini!! I did go to the wedding but was unable to attend some of the other events. Sorry Tim!! The wedding was fun. I think they got married... I could not hear because the St. Joesph's day parade was going by right as the ceremony started but it looked like he said "I DO". The food and bar was excellent and the site was beautiful.

WHAT A GAME BY THE ILLINI!!! I am picking an Illini v. UNC championship game.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Just in case noone noticed...

but Illinois is going to the final four. I will admit that when we were down fifteen with four minutes to go I had given up hope. My wife was worried that she would be a widow exactly one week after she had been married. Instead, well I wouldn't call it a miracle, but it was the most incredible atheltic feat I have ever seen. I don't have the words to describe how it felt to watch the game unfold. I do know I had to be very careful not to in any way indicate that it was a more emotional night than my wedding the week before.

Here's (approximately) how I sold it to Elizabeth:

"With us, that night, I knew we were going to get married and have a wonderful time. Tonight, after Illinois was down so low, I never had any idea that the team might come back to win. And, did I mention that you've never looked so beautiful as when you were walking down the aisle last Saturday?"

Speaking of my wedding... Where the hell was Colin the whole time? Dude misses the bachelor party and then he misses the afterparty where we had balcony overlooking Bourbon street on a Saturday night during spring break.... On the other hand, I have to give him credit for going above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that I was drinking Bombay Sapphires with a splash of tonic and without limes.

That's the mark of a true friend.

Monday, March 21, 2005

No posts lately

I know all two of our readers have been nearing suicide because of the lack of posts here lately. So, I thought I should explain that I was married last week in New Orleans and was happy to have Colin attend my wedding.

That is all. Oh yeah, the Republicons continue to despoil the earth, destroy our nation, and otherwise work hard to kill the American dream. There will be more posts about that later.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Bringing Down the Hammer

Noone knows how long Delay will stick around. However, you would like to think that at some point we'll get a 'at long last have you no shame' moment.

It doesn't seem like that is too much to ask is it?

Sunday, March 13, 2005

The next great hope from Illinois?

Barack Obama? No. Dick Durbin? Nope. To find out more about an Illinois Democrat who can help rebuild the party, click here.

I think it's very ironic when the Republicons complain about the prospect of a Democrat playing the same games that they do.

Also, FWIW, I'm troubled by this quote in the article from Tim Johnson, my former neighbor (and a beneficiary of nascent Republican redistricting):
"I consider myself a good friend of Congressman Emanuel," said U.S. Rep. Tim Johnson (R-Ill.), who recently started a Center Aisle Caucus dedicated to reducing excessive partisanship. "I clearly think there's a partisan side to him, but he cares about issues."

I would like to take this opportunity to point out that Tim Johnson is (or was) a successful plaintiffs' attorney who flip flopped on tort reform when the pressure came down. This is all part of a larger portrait of this man (and I still can't believe that this man is a member of the House of Representatives) and how he will slither and slide any way he needs to in order to advance his political ambitions. I have to say that I like his kids and his ex-wife, but at the same time, in all of my interactions with Tim Johnson, I have always come away feeling dirty for having been in the man's presence.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Drinking news you can use

One of the things we pride ourselves on here at Hawaiian Shirt Friday is that we may or may not still be the number one search result when you google the phrase 'Hawaiian whores.' But, with Colin and me, it's about more than tropical prostitution.

We also try to keep our readers (all two of them) abreast of the latest in liquour and food. To that end, here's a link to a story by Robb Walsh of the Houston Press about the trend of chefs turning their attentions to innovative cocktails.

By the way, I'd like to say that I've eaten at T'afia, the new restaurant of the great Monica Pope mentioned at the beginning of the article, but the one time I tried to eat there I was not seated for over an hour after the time we had originally reserved and finally, in frustration and exasperation, left.

Drinking news you can use...

One of the things we pride ourselves on here at Hawaiian Shirt Friday is that we may or may not still be the number one search result when you google the phrase 'Hawaiian whores.' But, with Colin and me, it's about more than tropical prostitution.

We also try to keep our readers (all two of them) abreast of the latest in liquour and food. To that end, here's a link to a story by Robb Walsh of the Houston Press about the trend of chefs turning their attentions to innovative cocktails.

By the way, I'd like to say that I've eaten at T'afia, the new restaurant of the great Monica Pope mentioned at the beginning of the article, but the one time I tried to eat there I was not seated for over an hour after the time we had originally reserved and finally, in frustration and exasperation, left.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Coles traded for Moss

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Respect for Tucker Carlson goes up

Never been a huge fan of Carlson but I have to give him his due for this:

But if there was any doubt of Thompson's impact, Tucker Carlson clears it up in the Weekly Standard, describing his reaction--at age 12--to reading "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas":
"In the first chapter, Thompson famously describes the stash he's accumulated for his weekend road trip to Vegas: 'two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of uppers, downers, laughers, screamers.' This is in addition to 'a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether, and two dozen amyls.'
"I resolved to try it all, down to the ether, which I finally located midway through tenth grade in a headshop on the West Side of Manhattan. (It gave me double vision and a headache.) Tracking down and taking everything on Thompson's list became a kind of mission, a pharmacological scavenger hunt that preoccupied me through high school.
"At this point, I should add the customary disclaimer about how drugs are bad, a lie and a trap and a destroyer of lives. That's all true, but not in my case. For me, the whole experience was interesting and fun. I had a great time."