Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Hammer gets gets the Slammer

Well maybe not yet but he is on his way after being indicted on conspiracy charges today. He has also stepped down as majority leader. Free at last, free at last... thank God almighty we are free at last.

No for the on going controversy on HSF. Yani I understand what you were trying to do but if we are going to talk like that lets keep it off of the public forum. I don't mind good natured ribbing etc but there is no need for the rest of the public, however small that is, to be involved. I don't mind political disagreement but personal attack on bloggers is just pointless. Attack my politics not me. The only other point I would make is that if you want to post here please give your name. Nameless post are pointless and cowardly. Tim and I put our name on everything we write so should you.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Trolling: Yanni

Yanni, you have never contributed anything positive to the discourse on this blog. To the extent that you are unable to do so, you will not be allowed to continue to slander Colin nor myself. If you need a forum for your infantile rants, go get your own blog. Until then, be on notice that none of your banal blather will last much longer than it takes Colin or me to delete it. Finally, if you think that's communist, then you have as much of an understanding of capitalism as W does about fiscal restraint.

P.S. Sorry for deleting your posts too Stephanie... I appreciate your giving Yanni what for but I'd prefer to keep all of this off of the blog.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I wish these goddamned hurricanes would leave me alone~

Monday, September 19, 2005

NY Times select got you down?

You can still get your Paul Krugman fix here.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

He ain't just Kinky, he's my governor!

While I would love to see Chris Bell win the Texas governorship (and hey it snowed 13 inches near Victoria, TX on Christmas eve last year so anything is possible), my second choice would definitely be Kinkiy Friedman. I heard Kinky speak at a continuing legal education seminar over the summer and, I have to say, that he gave a pretty compelling speech and, if only he was a former movie star or professional wrestler, he would be a shoo-in for the next governor of the (not so) great state of Texas.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

I suppose the bright side of this story is that it anticipates the end of the disastrous Bush regime...

Are you up to speed on the latest rule changes in the NFL?

If not, do what any sensible football fan would do and ask retired veteran NFL referee Jerry Markbreit.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A brief history of Scotch

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


that Freedom March thingy... Apparently not such a big deal.

Living in DC, I must say that there was very little coverage of this event (damn that liberal media!) compared to, say, a World Bank protest...

There were some signs warning of events Downtown and to expect delays but I didn't notice any problems.

The most disruptive part of the day, in my opinion, was having to listen to Nick Lachey (sp) and Jessica Simpson sing 'God Bless America' while I was waiting for the Redskins game to kickoff....

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Is Texas tough on crime?

Well, Texas does put lots of people to death but apparently the Texas state Attorney General has decided to let killers off the hook if they flee to Mexico. Indeed, Texas is the only border state that refuses to follow up on crimes committed by Mexican nationals in the United States after they flee back to Mexico.

If the Texas Democratic party can't seize on this inexcusable lapse, then I can think of no clearer indictment of the failure of that once proud political party. I should note that I bear no ill will towards immigrants to this county and I do not think that this issue should be exploited on the basis of antipathy towards the many immigrants, both legal and illeagal, who reside in the state of Texas. Instead, I think this issues demonstrates, and should be used as proof of the fact, that the Republican government in this state and in this nation is primarily concerned with perpetuating and exploiting its control of government rather than fulfilling the covenant that our government ought to keep with our country.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Comedy wins again

Once again comedy news outshines the "real" news. Check out this weeks Onion for some of the best Katrina reporting.

At least Cheney will make money

Turns out that, suprise suprise, firms close to Bush including Haliburton are gettng rebuliding contracts in LA and Miss. Can we impeach him yet?

Thursday, September 08, 2005

perfect tag line

This is a classic screen shot

Monday, September 05, 2005

Bush's failure

Herbert hits the nail on the head. Bush vacationed and people died.

Anne Rice on NOLA

This is worth it for the last couple paragraphs

Blame Game

The Blame Game begins but the consensus is pretty clear... Bush screwed up and is in need of some serious damage control. People were dying and Bush was on vacation anmd at a fundraiser.

From the linked article: One reason for the slow White House response, said a Republican who has been in contact with several officials, is that so many high-level officials and aides were on vacation. Vice President Cheney, for instance, was in Wyoming and did not return unil Thursday, and Nicolle Devenish, the president's top communications adviser, is getting married in Greece with a number of mid-level aides in attendance.

Let the cover up and CYA begin

From Josh Marshall

As noted, the Washington Post got burned today by a "senior Bush official" who told them that Gov. Blanco of Louisiana had never declared a state of emergency in the site -- a claim the Post printed as fact. Yet the claim was demonstrably false and by late afternoon the Post had been compelled to print a correction.
This week's Newsweek contains the same false claim -- and though their recital of the anecdote is unsourced, common sense suggests that someone or some operation fed them both the same line, which neither organization checked out before running.
Monday's Times, not surprisingly, confirms that the White House damage control operation is being run by Karl Rove and Dan Bartlett.
Add it up.
And who will report this out?

Rove has taken over and now starts blaming someone else. Can anyone say accountability?

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Kurt's moving up!

Now he's the number two QB!

Incidentally, for all one-point-five of our readers, I thought you all would like to know that Colin drafted Keyshawn Johnson onto his fantasy football team... That's hilarious...

Thursday, September 01, 2005


This is one of the saddest articles I have ever read. How does NOLA recover? Does it?