Sunday, October 29, 2006

Blog Endorses Jim Webb for U.S. Senate from VA.

This blog and its founder Strongly endorses James H. "Jim" Webb for the U.S. Senate seat from the Commonwealth of Virginia.

In government, Jim served in the U.S. Congress as counsel to the House Committee on Veterans Affairs from l977 to l98l, becoming the first Vietnam veteran to serve as a full committee counsel in the Congress. In 1982 he first proposed, then led the fight for, including an African American soldier in the memorial statue that now graces the Vietnam Veterans memorial on the National Mall. In 1984 he was appointed the inaugural Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, where he traveled extensively in, and worked closely with, our NATO allies. As the Assistant Secretary he directed considerable research and analysis of the U.S. military's mobilization capabilities. In 1987 he became the first Naval Academy graduate in history to serve in the military and later be appointed Secretary of the Navy. He resigned as Naval Secretary in 1988 after refusing to agree to a reduction of the Navy's force structure during congressionally-mandated budget cutting.

Among Jim's many other awards for community service and professional excellence are the Department of Defense Distinguished Public Service Medal, the Medal of Honor Society's Patriot Award, the American Legion National Commander's Public Service Award, the VFW's Media Service Award, the Marine Corps League's Military Order of the Iron Mike Award, the John Russell Leader-ship Award, and the Robert L. Denig Distinguished Service Award. He was a Fall 1992 Fellow at Harvard's Institute of Politics.

I know that this blog does not often endores former Republicans but in this case the need to remove a racist, anti-semtic, confederate flag collecting oaf who only got his job because his daddy used to coach the redskins we found it important to make this stand. I know that there may be some confusion b/c one rouge member of the blog staff made it appear as if we endorsed both Macaca Allen and Joe "Bush's favorite Republican" Liberman that is why we at the staff of Hawaiian Shirt Friday felt it necessary to make this clarification.

If you would like to contribute money to Jim's campaign here is the site:

If you want to give money to progressive candidates go to

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I'll be darned, I agree with George Will again...

That's never a good sign. It must be b/c of my lack of an independent mind... (btw, Yanni, you may have the power to post, but I have the power to Shit-can. Something to think about while you're insulting the other bloggers...).

Anyway, I think Will is on the money here when he talks about the absurdity of treating college sports as though they are not-for -profit... Not that I expect that to change in my lifetime.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Another Bipartisan Endorsement - GEORGE ALLEN

So far this year, the independent-minded part of this blog has endorsed a Democrat and an Independent. Now, it is time to endorse a Republican, Senator George Allen from Virginia, for reelection to the United States Senate.

The first endorsement was Democrat Bill Halter for Lt. Governor of Arkansas. He is an indepent minded middle of the road Democrat who I've known for a few years now. This guy is top-notch and deserves your support. Halter is ahead in the poll and looks like he is headed to victory.

Next, part of this blog endorsed an independent thinker that a Manning brother, Canon Manning, volunteered for: Joe Lieberman, Indepedent. After a tough primary, Lieberman has regained his footing and now seems to be a lock for reelection. America needs to work to ensure that statesman are rewarded, not punished when they have the courage to stand up for what is right, regardless of the partisans. If you want to contribute to his campaign, see previous posts.

Now, part of this blog would like to endorse a Republican - Senator George Allen. George Allen has served as a member of the General Assembly in Virginia; as a member of the House of Representatives; as Governor of Virginia; and for the last six years as the junior Senator from Virginia. From fighting for more money for historically black colleges and universities to fighting to make sure that more and more Americans get to keep more of their hard-earned tax dollars, George Allen understands Virginia. While, without question, he has made some startling gaffes during this campaign, these incidents don't completely diminish years of public service and the strong record of achievement he has had for all Virginians in elected office. For these reasons, we say GEORGE ALLEN for Senate. He has earned the vote of Virginians for another six years. (By the way, in newest poll out today, he is up 4 over his opponent). To contribute to this winning campaign, please visit:

Monday, October 23, 2006

Redskins Football STINKS

Since Colin gave me posting rights on this blog, I have predicted many things. While most, if not all, look to be true, one prediction has been a TOTAL disaster. That is - my prediction of the Redskins winning the Super Bowl was a huge mistake.

After 7 games, the Skins are 2-5. I have seen 99% of all Redskins games dating back to 1991. And, let me tell you, I haven't seen a worse Redskins team since the Norv Turner years. Yes, that is correct, even the ole Ball Coach, Steve Spurrier, had Skins teams that looked better than the 2006 Washington Redskins. The quarterback is old and only throws screens and dump-offs. The offensive coordinator (Al Saunders) stinks. The offensive blocking is terrible. The defense is riddled with injuries. And, worst of all, the personnel moves we have made in the off-season have been terrible, including:

1) Letting Ryan Clark - safety - leave to Pittsburgh so we could sign Adam Archuleta. Clark was the glue of the defense and a solid pass defender. Archuleta gets beat every week, big-time.

2) Warrick Holdman - we let go of LaVar Arrington and we drafted Rocky McIntosh to replace him at outside linebacker. But, apparently Rocky isn't good enough. So, we start Warrick Holdman, who misses basically every tackle he can.

3) Antonio Pierce - two years ago, we let Pierce go to the Giants as a free-agent. He is one of the best middle linebackers in the league and we developed him. Now, we have Lamar Marshall who can't cover anybody. Middle Linebackers typically lead the team in tackles. Marshall doesn't lead the skins, and he isn't even in the top 3.

4) Mike Rumf and Kenny Wright - after last season, we let our third corner, Walt Harris sign elsewhere. Harris wasn't great, but he was a very solid third corner and could step in and spot start. We let him go and signed Kenny Wright and traded for Mike Rumf. Now, teams pass on us at will. In the NFL, you need 3 solid cornerbacks. We have 1 - Shawn Springs, who is injured.

I could go on and on and on with this diabtribe. But, I'd only make myself more mad.

Bottom Line: Gibbs is still a god to me, but I'm very upset with god these days. I pray that he makes the following changes which would help our team get back on track:

1) Bench Brunell. The season isn't over just yet. Sure you have 5 losses. But 10-6 or 9-7 could win the division or get you a wildcard birth. Your best bet is Todd Collins at QB. He knows the offensive system having played it in KC whereas Brunell can't grasp the ridiculous 700 page playbook. Once you lose 8-9 games, then go with the youngster, Jason Campbell. But, in the meantime, Collins gives you the best chance to win. I know Collins is no Manning brother, but he is the best chance we have right now.

2) Simplify the playbook and play Redskins football. Who needs 700 pages of plays? Have 10 plays, two of which are run up the gut to the right and run up the gut to the left. The Skins are built for power football. Al Saunders, the coordinator, is a finesse coach. Portis shouldn't be running around the edges. He should be running right up the middle. And, the Skins should be running the ball 40 times a game. When we don't run, we need to throw the ball downfield. For some reason, this season, all of our plays are either runs around the edges or 4 yard passes or screens. This allows the defense to bunch up on the line and clog the running game. We need to spread out the offense a bit. Run the ball a ton. When you pass - screens or dump offs should only occur occassionally not with regularity.

3) Start Rocky McIntosh. He is your top draft pick this year. Get him on the field. Holdman is a fine special teams player and a nice sub once in a while, but his starting days are behind him. Benching him would also send a message to other veterans on the team to pick up the slack or you'll find your tail on the bench.

I could go on and on, but I've said enough. I'd be glad to field any questions or respond to any posts.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sore Losermont?

Yes, it is true - to the delight of this blog(ger) it looks like Lieberman is going to defeat Lamont. This will be a victory for independent thought everywhere and a rejection of those elements of society who support the party-line radicalization of government.

Lieberman is now up at least 8 points in the polls and Lamont is being forced to spend more of his own money as campaign donations have dried up.

For more, please see:

If you are interested in donating to the Lieberman campaign, see previous postings on this blog to determine how to do that.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Employee of the Month - 2 YEEROS

A true and helpful maxim to live life by is as fellows: Better Living through Lower Expectations. With this maxim in mind, I paid full price to see Employee of the Month, starring Jessica Simpson.

Simpson looks as good in the movie - much better than the time I saw her in person on Capitol Hill where she undressed me with her eyes and made me feel uncomfortable. But, despite her good looks, her acting is terrible. Nevertheless, I did find the movie amusing. I laughed out loud several times. In fact, the 3 other people I saw the movie with all thoroughly enjoyed it.

Now, by no means, is this movie going to be discussed as part of the Manning family Oscar awards competition - but if you are looking for a fun movie that will make you laugh, this is an enjoyable one. It was worth the price of admission for sure. And, you'll even get more of a chuckle from it, if, like me, you visit Costco right after seeing the film.

For these reasons, and more, I give this movie, an average rating of 2 YEEROS.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

The war against religion continues unabated...

Won't someone please help the poor repressed overwhelming majority of people who are religious in this country?

Oh wait, they already did... numerous times... and with increasing frequency recently... Not that you'd know it from the demagoguery you see about this bullshit from the religious right wing nutcases who are runningthis country towards Armageddon because they think that's what Jesus wants....

To quote the great Frank Zappa, "Tax the churches. Tax the businesses owned by the churches."

PZ Meyers concurs.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Since we've already crossed the line of people posting pics of their dog on the site...

Here are my new kitties courtesy of the Houston SPCA. Their brothers, about 8 weeks old, very sweet, and are currently named Ben and Jerry by the shelter. E thinks that's cute but we will probably rename them to someothing of our own choosing. She does not like my suggestion, which is much more realistic, of naming them 'Cat' and 'Hey Cat'.