Thursday, September 30, 2004
Swing States are Swinging Back to KE04
Kerry is gaining ground in Fl and is ahead among registered voters in OH and PA. This is from a Gallup poll which has been questioned for using too many repubs in their sample!! KE04 is behind among likely voters but remember that voter registration is up 250% among demos in Ohio alone. These people do not count as likely voters.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Media Matters Matters
Daily Show viewers v. Factor Viewers
Stephanie tips us off:
I don't know how to post on Colin's blog, so I thought I would leave this in the comments section. You know, since Colin is just to busy for us!! ;-)
‘Stoned slackers’ watch Jon Stewart?
Bill O’Reilly's viewers are actually less educated than Stewart's
The Associated Press
Updated: 1:45 p.m. ET Sept. 28, 2004
NEW YORK - The folks at Comedy Central were annoyed when Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly kept referring to “The Daily Show” audience as “stoned slackers.” So they did a little research. And guess whose audience is more educated? Viewers of Jon Stewart’s show are more likely to have completed four years of college than people who watch “The O’Reilly Factor,” according to Nielsen Media Research. O’Reilly’s teasing came when Stewart appeared on his show earlier this month.“ You know what’s really frightening?” O’Reilly said. “You actually have an influence on this presidential election. That is scary, but it’s true. You’ve got stoned slackers watching your dopey show every night and they can vote.” Comedy Central executives realized, and O’Reilly acknowledged, that he was poking fun. But they said they didn’t want a misconception to persist. “If the head of General Motors was watching O’Reilly’s show, that could be very important to us,” said Doug Herzog, Comedy Central president. “If you listen to O’Reilly, you get the sense that it was crazy longhairs behind the show,” he said. “And it’s not. It’s great, smart television that attracts a well-compensated audience, most of whom are voting age.”
Take that FOX news!
Read more here
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Monday, September 27, 2004
Sunday, September 26, 2004
Soon to be back
I should get my computer at school this week. Hopefully I will have the internet as well. Once that is up and running I am back baby. I know you are all clamoring for my return but if you can wait just a little while longer.... I'll be back.
Keep your mouth shut!
As unsettling as Milgram's results are, they are mediated somewhat by the fact that a small percentage of people end up questioning authority and refusing to go along. It would be nice to think that such behavior would be encouraged. But, the real world isn't a nice place. And, as the story of Captain James Yee shows, often when you question authority, the authorities try to destroy you. Thus, are the atrocities of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo are perpetuated.
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Three Top DeLay Workers Indicted In Texas
Thus, I experienced schadenfreude when I read that three DeLay workers had been indicted in Texas.
I, and every other Texas Democrat would like nothing better than to see Delay's PAC, Texans for a Republican Majority, dismantled.
Hats off to Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earl!
Update: Ari Berman provides more details about the house ethics complaint that was filed by Houston congressman Chris Bell in his blog for The Nation, The Daily Outrage.
The parallels are obvious when you think about it, and on many levels. I mean, surely, if Rather should resign because 60 Minutes II got snowed by a source and ran a story on documents that turned out to be fraudulent, than Bush should resign after he and his administration made false claims about Saddam Hussein's weapons programs based on documents that turned out to be fraudulent. Right? Especially since those claims helped get us into a war in which over 1,000 Americans have died. (Rather's mistake was considerably less costly.)
Irrelevant sidenote: Is anyone else missing Colin? I'm way too busy to keep this blog going on my own and that guy is like W at a Texas Air National Guard physical.
Saturday, September 18, 2004
Worst SUV ever....
The problem is that SUV manufacturers realized that to really bolster their image in the market, they would have the most success by building the biggest and therefore most inefficient and dangerous SUV they could. When people choose to drive a Hummer they necessarily impose risks and costs on society that many others and myself would choose not to incur. The next time you're at a stop light sitting in your humble sedan alongside a Hummer, consider where the bumper would strike you in a T-bone type of collision. You will likely notice that the bumper is at eye level, rendering most of the crash protection built into your car ineffective.
Consider that and then feast your eyes on this monstrosity. Getting seven miles to the gallon, weighing over FOURTEEN THOUSAND pounds, and costing around one hundred thousand dollars, this vehicle demonstrates the latest extreme and perverse manifestation of hubris. The only redeeming feature that I can discern is that there will be very few of these things sold thus making their impact (and if you know anything about the conservation of momentum, you will pray that you never experience an impact with one of these things) not as great as the more common Hummer.
It is my intention to add anyone who drives this vehicle on public roads to the 'Punch-in-the-face-if-I-see-them-on-the-street list.'
Update: An even better article describing this affront to civilization can be found here.
Friday, September 17, 2004
It ain't easy being an Illinois QB in the NFL
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Who says chivalry's dead?
Craig Bueno said that when "a sea of blue" Rangers led by reliever Doug Brocail approached their seats, he "took a defensive position" by standing in front of his wife to shield her, but ducked when he saw the chair winging his way. Jennifer Bueno said she doesn't remember being struck, but that she was "fearful for my life" when the confrontation turned ugly.
My hero....
Bush got an honorable discharge; so what?
Last year I conducted two lengthy interviews with Rep. Bobby L. Rush (D-Ill.) for a profile in the Tribune Sunday Magazine. During more than five hours of conversation, Rush talked about his upbringing, his education, his family, his politics. He also talked in a remarkably honest way about his military career, which covered the years 1963 to 1968 and coincided with his political radicalization.
"I got a lot of Article 15s--disciplinary actions--because I was insubordinate," he said. And after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4, 1968, Rush says he "just didn't show up for work for about a week."
Despite all this, Rush, who now is a minister as well as a politician, received an honorable discharge.
"That's why I know there is a God, I know that Jesus is alive and the Holy Spirit is really working," he said, "because there's no way I should have been [given] an honorable discharge. I should at least have gotten a general discharge, because I was totally insubordinate."
I think about Bobby Rush and his refreshing candor every time I hear one of President Bush's spokesmen observe that he received an honorable discharge and so that should settle any questions about his service in the Air National Guard.
Well, OK. If that's how they want to think about it ...
But Rush isn't the only Vietnam-era veteran I've known who admits his honorable discharge covers a multitude of sins, most of them, happily, venial. That era, with its perfect storm of unpopular war, conscription, youthful rebellion and mass protest, was tough for the military.
I imagine there was many a commander who decided it was easier to overlook some things and muster a guy out with an honorable discharge than to go through the bureaucratic hassle of pursuing every disciplinary infraction. All the more so, it would seem, if the guy happened to be the son of a member of Congress.
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
My second favorite thing about football starting up again...
Illinois legend Kurt Kittner is cut for fifth time in seven months
While I can't say that Kurt deserves to be a QB in the NFL, it seems as though the gauntlet of signings and cuts has been gratuitous. Although it doesn't seem to have daunted him, there's no doubt that this will stigmatize Kurt and that is a shame because, unless he's just that bad (and if he was, then why was he signed in the first place), he hasn't had a chance to be adequately evaluated.
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Keyes will keep it up
I loved this snippet from the article:
At the session, the sources said, Keyes denied that he has engaged in name-calling in his campaign. But he likened Democratic opponent Barack Obama to a "terrorist" because Obama, a state senator, voted against a legislative proposal pushed by abortion foes, sources said.
Of course, Keyes aides later denied that he had called Obama a terrorist. He instead pointed out that terrorists and Obama merely shared a common disregard for human life.
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Game Day is here!
I'd like to include some quotes of him describing the elaborate means through which he beat the system, but I will leave that to the curious and intrepid to find out by reading the article for the sake of sparing those possesed of delicate sensibilities.
Update: Purely by coincidence, the singer of the national anthem for the Redskins game today is some chick named Shawn King (no word on how much dope she smokes), apparently she is also the wife of Larry King.
Wheels within wheels...
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Sharing a name with someone famous has pros and cons.
For those not willing to read the rest of the story, no, the guy did not get to keep the money (although he still has about 26K) and yes, there is a lawsuit pending, which was the reason cited when the newspaper did not renew his contract. This issue did not apparently have anything to do with the Cubs decision not to renew Mark Guthrie the pitcher's contract.
Friday, September 10, 2004
Jeff Gordon and Michael Schumacher to race
This won't settle any debates between Colin and me about the relative merits of Formula One versus NASCAR, but it should fuel the arguments.
I know I'm excited.
Ever think about ice?
There, now you've thought about ice.
Given that I hate the Golden Dome
On an unrelated note, I'd like to apologize to our readers (all three of you!) for the paucity of posts. Colin has already explained his situation. Here's my excuse: I have absolutely no free time during the day because of an insane workload for B-school and I haven't been able to get an internet connection at home to post in the evenings. Hopefully (or not depending on what you think of my posts) in a couple of weeks these problems will not prevent me from posting more frequently.
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Chicken George Returns
Why is Bush scared of the people in this country? First he requires a loyalty oath before being allowed into "ask the President" sessions and now he is going to duck the one debate where real people get to ask real questions. The 2nd debate, which is in St. Louis, is set up to be a town hall in which real people ask the candidates questions. This is the debate that the Bushies are going to skip b/c who knows someone may actually ask Bush about his failed policies or about why we have lost over 1,000 dead in Iraq and all we control is the green zone. It is truly sad to see a leader so afraid of the people he is allegedly leading.
Love Those Polls
It is good to see the BS04, sorry I mean BC04, has such great poll numbers. I say this because every time BC gets ahead in anything they go nuts and start actually saying what they really believe. Sadly for them this means that they turn hateful and WAY over the top. Take yesterday for example when Dick said that: "It's absolutely essential that eight weeks from today, on Nov. 2, we make the right choice," Mr. Cheney told a crowd of 350 people in Des Moines, "because if we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we'll get hit again and we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States." Did he really just say that if you vote for KE04 then you are voting for terrorist? Yes, Virginia that is what he said. I thought they would at least be a little subtle about trying to say that, but I guess in their giddiness over their alleged lead they forgot they were only to imply that KE was un-American and not just come out and say it. Oh and those poll number you rebups are so giddy about... Not really so good. Looks more like a bunch of people in TX and GA got all excited and not the people in states you need to win. Turns out that according to Gallup Kerry picked up 5% among likely voters in swing states. Personally I hope Bush wins 100% of the vote in TX, GA, MT etc and loses the electoral vote. That would be sweet sweet justice. Did I mention that one of the Republican Electors from WVA is now saying that if Bush wins WVA he may not cast his vote for Bush. Not a good sign when your own Electors are saying they won't vote for you in the one elecetion that matters. |
So much to say
Sorry about the lack of blogging but I have followed the Bush jobs plan and have been unemployed. I have not had access to a computer so I could discuss the most hate filled and vile convention ever staged. The nice part is that it was full of lies and fear as well. If the Repubs want to get elected based on lies and fear and not a positive agenda for the country then I weep for the future of this country. Doesn't it say something about the future of the GOP that their keynote was given by an ancient "democrat" that has clearly fallen off the reservation. I mean this guy challenged Chris Mathews to a duel. He looked insane and I am not sure he wasn't. I also like the fact that Dick "go F yourself" Cheney opposed nearly every weapons system that Zell listed. Good work Dick. I could go on and on but really what is the point. It is clear that the repubs have no agenda other than fear and hate. All they know how to do is divide and destroy. It is would be funny if it wasn't so serious.
BTW Did any one notice how many times 9/11 was mentioned? I thought they weren't going to politicize that great national tragedy. But if you are Bush you will turn a national tragedy into political hate speech. Does anyone recall another right wing figure from history who was focused on fear and hate and based his rise to power by exploiting a national tragedy... I give you a hint... The date he exploited was 11/11/....
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
This one's for Colin
Hats off to Mr. Suzuki.